Well I’ve finally done it. Whether it is a good thing or not remains to be seen, but I have finally done it. Done what?! I hear you cry? Joined that (apparently) rapidly growing global community of ‘bloggers’. Blame the BBC Online news service and their continued articles, especially one today. The proverbial straw – http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4397899.stm
For the past… For ages, I have been growing progressively more and more fed up with the hosting of the ‘Holm, and that, combined with the fact the News page was the only thing really growing on the site, made me decide to start a proper blog. In the future, when I get around to paying for proper hosting, hopefully this blog will nest nicely inside that website, but for now, consider this your first place to look. I will point you in the direction of any changes to the ‘Holm when (if) they occur.
So, for now, whilst I go and make this blog look as snazzy as a predetermined template can be, toodles
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