Firstly, if you haven’t already noticed, Bright Meadow has gone pink for October. The “Oh good god what have you done?!” comments issuing from Moose when she got greeted by the pink this morning made it all worthwhile. In answer to her plaintive question of “but why does it have to be SO pink?” I answer that if a job is worth doing, it’s worth doing well. In for a penny, in for a pound. And all other applicable cliches. I loathe pink in all it’s forms (unless it is ironic pink, a concept that not everyone understands) so when I made the decision to go Pink for October I knew I would have to go so far over the top as to come back on it from the other side. I am actually glorying in the sheer Barbie-ness of it.
As mentioned on the previous post, there are 7 changes, some major, some minor, that have been made to the site to ‘pinkify’ it. If you can spot all seven Minionhood awaits π
And now, back the regularly scheduled programming.
The Pew Internet and American Life project recently released part 2 of their ‘Future of the Internet’ report. Fred over at ClaimID wrote a very interesting piece on whether transparency will make the world a better place?. Whilst I’ve not had the time, or I must admit inclination, to give either the report or Fred’s article the full attention they deserve, there are some VERY interesting and startling findings in there. A must-read for anyone who claims an interest in the future of the Internet.
Clive Owen’s latest film Children of Men tops the UK box office. This doesn’t surprise me as it is a very solid film. I saw it last weekend and throughout it is pitch-perfect. The disillusionment, terror, and casual violence of a world without children is beautifully portrayed. I’ve never read the PD James book the film is based on (Moose assures me the book is also very good, but differs widely from the film) but the film stands perfectly well as a piece of wonderful cinema. Disquieting to watch because you can all to easily see society going that way, even without the loss of children, and with some very strong performances – Michael Cain is a joy to watch as always. Honestly, go see the film. A very firm four penguin film.
One word sprang to mind when reading of Josh’s plans to sail a viking boat on the Ohio – why? Followed by a secondary thought that this boy is insane. Which was followed by “good, that’s perfect behaviour for one of my Minions” π
Apparently, finger length shows if you will be sporty or not. Now, my 2d measurement is approx. 8cm, whilst my 4d measurement is approx. 9cm. and I *SUCK* at running. I can put on a fair burst of speed when I have to (running for the bus etc.) but I am, at best, a short-distance sprinter. And not a fast one at that! I have no/very little endurance and even if I was at the peak of physical fitness, I would still be a bad runner – women with decent sized breasts are NOT, I repeat NOT built for movement at speed. Or bouncing activities. Trust me on this. So I feel that I singlehandedly disprove this theory, but then I’m not a scientist, so what do I know?
I’m not linking to the following story for the content, rather for the headline. In my mind you don’t ‘mull’ nuclear bombs. The word ‘mull’ just seems too… fluffy… for weapons of mass destruction. But that’s me.
It’s been hard, nay impossible, to find American Long-grain rice in the supermarkets here for the past month or so. I had my suspicions this was because of a GM incident I’d heard about recently. I do so like it when I’m proven right.
Now before we go any further I must stress I am not conservative a never will be. Most of their political platform sends chills into my heart and I disagree with them on pretty much every issue. At the same time, I’m curious about WebCameron (don’t you just love that little ‘beta’ tag in the top right? How very Web 2.0 now excuse me whilst I go make an offering to the web gods in apology for using the term ‘web 2.0’ on this site) which is David Cameron’s video blog. I tried to access it most of the day yesterday but it was down because of a link on the BBC News site – not a good start there. Launching a video blog you hope will raise your profile and… you’re not prepared for the demand.
Anyway, enough with the snark. I can access it today (servers have obviously been frantically bullied into behaving) and, I must admit it, I’m impressed. It looks unoffensive. It works on the Mac. It bends over backwards NOT to look like any other government site. I’m… damn it! There’s nothing I can complain about!
Hang on, yes there is. No RSS. Naughty – you expect me to manually check in with the site to see if there has been a new episode uploaded? Oh, how very old school.
Other than that though, there is a distinct lack of grump material. I am genuinely impressed that the Conservatives are making this effort to communicate directly with people. I like that they have an ‘open blog’ where, if you register, you can join in the discussion. I’m not sure I want to register (do I *want* the Conservatives to have me email address and details?) but that’s my personal decision. Yes, it smacks a little bit of jumping on the ‘blog’ bandwagon, but why not? You use whatever you can to gain an advantage, and where are the Lib Dem’s or New Labour?
My recommendations – get RSS feeds implemented.
My reservations/questions – how ‘open’ is the Open Blog? Do they screen posts before they are posted? What level of interaction will there be between commentors and David/other Conservative party members?
Why I probably won’t be watching WebCameron on a regular basis – my deep and abiding distrust and dislike of the Tories. I’ve got a feeling a few candid camera shots of David Cameron doing the washing up isn’t going to make me change my mind.
Kudos for trying though π
I do take umbrage at David Cameron’s quote in the middle of this article though where he says “a young person would no more think of going to a public meeting than boiling an egg“. I LIKE boiled eggs. I regularly have them for brunch. Moose had boiled eggs for breakfast only this morning. On top of that, I *work* in local government and I’m only 24, so π you Mr Cameron.
I spotted this recipe for Mooncakes and, whilst I’ve never had a proper Mooncake in my life, I want to try them. Probably won’t be able to get half of the necessary ingredients in this country, but they look intriguing if nothing else.
And lastly for this Sunday Roast, because my finger feels like it is about to burst open at the seams and start gushing blood all over my keyboard (ick) I am saddened to find out that Orbit gum will not get you into heaven. What about other sorts of gum? And how do they know? And why the need for the small print?! I mean, it’s not like you’re gonna be able to come back and say “well actually, I ended up in hell so I’m gonna sue…” I mean, you’d be dead, and if it’s one thing the dead are known for it’s not suing people.
That’s it for today folks. Go, have fun, and remember – breasts are for life, not just for Christmas: be aware.
Waitrose sell American Long Grain Rice. We have some in stock at our store right now.
Ah, but can you guarantee me it’s GM free?
Yes. All Waitrose own-brand products are guaranteed to be GM-free (and it’s the own-brand one I’m thinking of).
Also, Organic foods have to be GM-free to be organic, so you may want to look out for organic ones at other shops.
How very perceptive to notice that mull. Not being a native speaker I wonder if I would have noticed something was off there, but thinking of it, it does sound awkward. Btw, to mull sth over is a phrasal verb, I also don’t feel comfortable with making it a regular transitive verb, but that’s me.
I love the little beta tab over at the cameron place. Looks like a T-shirt label.
Take care of the finger troubles!
Ok, you might not be a native speaker, but you’ve got a better grasp of English grammar than I have! I wouldn’t known a phrasal verb over a transitive verb unless it got up and introduced itself. I’m getting better (it’s one reason I’m going back to college to get my English lit/lang A-level) but still, as my teacher said just this week “English is a pig of a language to learn” – when you grow up speaking it you never have to learn these rules formally. I do remember German grammar being a breeze compared to English!
And I tried to get a picture of the sheer gruesomeness that is my finger but I couldn’t get the camera to focus properly. Also, if I’m honest, it doesn’t look that impressive any more because it’s started to heal over. Whilst it is deep, the actual open area is very small…
Still not pretty, so be grateful my camera is playing up π
does Waitrose test it’s own brand American long grain rice for GM strains RIB?
because if the US government “has no idea, has no way of finding out and cannot predict where it may turn up”, Waitrose (through no fault of their own) can’t guarantee that their’s is GM free.
>My recommendations – get RSS feeds implemented.
Absolutley – who launches a blog in 2006 without them? Would you trust such a person with Goverment IT?
>My reservations/questions – how Γ’β¬ΛopenΓ’β¬β’ is the Open Blog?
My comments were censored.
He should release the videos into the public domain or under an open licence .
It is a nice try though – I hope the reaction is enough to push him to do it properly.
Moose – Waitrose have very stringent and exacting standards with their own-brand producers. They want guarantees that something is going to be what they say it will be before they put their name to it. They do extensive testing and tests on everything with their name on it. π
Welcome to Bright Meadow webcamronator π
I saw on your YouTube comments that one of your dislikes of the WebCamron blog comment system is that you can’t comment directly on a given video, rather you have to join the page of comments that is, even after a few days, totally overwhelming in length. I would agree with you on that one.
I have to ask however why should he release the videos into the public domain or under an open license? I am a great believe in open licenses (Bright Meadow is licensed under a Creative Commons license for example) but that was my personal decision based on the content I am producing – for what reasons do you feel that David Cameron’s video’s need to be in the public domain? I’m not saying you are wrong or right, I am just curious as to your reasoning.
RIB – I have to say that even Waitrose is suffering from the lack of American Long Grain rice at the moment, at least in our area. Sad, but true.
Nils – I forgot to say in my previous comment, but yes, the little beta tag is quite cute. To me it smacked of “Oh, all Web 2.0 is beta, so we’ll slap a beta label on things too because we haven’t tested things properly before release” but it is inarguably cute. And pink, which as discussed elsewhere, is the colour for October π
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Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure?
Phew… that was bugging me.
Yes, Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure.
I had to fight Moose for the quote. Clearly, I won π
Don’t like the Tories eh? Not surprising really, given their dislike for a bloated public sector. Did you know that Maraget Thatcher once said, “A man who, beyond the age of 26, finds himself on a bus, can count himself a failure.”
I wouldn’t worry though – your job will still be safe. Although they will win the next election it looks as if Cameron is another centrist spender like Blair (minus the creepy CCTV, ID card Big Brother stuff.) The best we can hope for is that the old guard will push him towards some proper market-based reforms so our high taxes will at least be spent efficiently.
Actually I quite like lefties. While their doughy, vegeterian bodies are too slow to get out of the way, their brittle bones and weak spines mean that they cause little damage to my enormous car when I do hit them. They sort of bounce off, sending up a fragrant haze of Fairtrade patchouli and aggrieved self-righteousness.