Sunday Roast: I feel like dancing

So the Roast is more than a little late (sorry). I’ve also got to apologize for the complete lack of blogging this past week. I’ve got things I want to say, just… My writing mojo is currently AWOL. To be honest, I’m having such a blast living my life that I just don’t have time to write about it. Tee hee 😀

That’s not to say I’ve forgotten you all. I’ve jotted down lots of ideas this week and even started a new story (shock!) but there’s nothing ready for public consumption yet.

Till my fingers feel like typing once more, have a munch on the Roast, which comprises two weeks worth of stuff.

Are you a member of the ‘Boutique Generation’? I’d have to put my hand on my heart and say I am.

So 2007 is well and truly started now, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still have a little introspection. Edrei had a think about what he’d learnt last year. My main thing for 2006 was how to be happy with me. There were other things as well, but that was the biggy. What about you?

I’ve told you all before how I like receiving postcards. To get this postcard would just make my day!

Damn global warming! It’s even affecting chess matches now!

More movie sillyness – The Astronaut Farmer.

Now, Moose got me a VERY fine calendar of Josh Holloway for Christmas (mmmm, Josh Holloway…), but if she hadn’t, this calendar would have done nicely.

One in five Home Office statistics are unreliable.

There really is nothing further I can add to that one. Sometimes these things just spin themselves.

One of the suspects in the 21 July London bombings studied chemistry. I hate to break it to you, but lots of people have studied chemistry. I myself have a very good A-level in the subject. I don’t think it is the study of science that is going to make someone want to blow lots of people up. Though I did have this one Physics teacher who could really rub me up the wrong way…

Pretty serotonin earrings. Did I say pretty already?

9 thoughts on “Sunday Roast: I feel like dancing

  1. oh come on now, we all know science is evil. Think of every film you’ve ever seen with an evil genius hellbent on global domination / destroying the world – they’re always a scientist, even if only an amatuer one.

    What did the scientists ever do for us?

    I say burn them all at the stake and be done with it.

  2. You’re not going to burn me on a stake. You want evil science. I’ll show you evil science. Not even burning me on a stake is going to stop what I plan to do with the world once it’s done.


  3. So in your fabulous life do you have time to come to CAA? The Godhead has demmanded I try and get you to come to the reunion (Campus, New Lab, 7pm tomorrow) or to Archaeocamp II (The new lab, all day saturday) to talk about shiny tech things and Archaeology…..

    C’mon, it’ll be fun !!!



  4. Ack! I knew there was someone I forgot to email! *blush*

    The answer is sadly ( 🙁 ) to the reunion as I have college and I really need to go (damn it, trust me, I’d much rather get drunk network). As to the Saturday… Persuade me! 😉

  5. We are going to be talking about all of your favourite things, but most especially web 2.0 stuff, democratic knowledge and grey literature stuff- have you been to antiquist to see what that likes of Leif and Graeme have been up to with their free time?

    Much shiny archaeology related discussion. It would be really good if you were there as you tried this stuff out for real and can give a strong and informed viewpoint!

    Plus we can laugh at the godhead and his unholy glee at his impending fatherhood 🙂

    ….and I’ll buy you tea…..


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