Those of you who have been following Bright Meadow (and me) for the last few years might remember that each year I run the Race for Life for Cancer Research UK. My reasons for doing it are personal and already documented here on the blog.
This will be the third year in a row I’ve paid for the pleasure of running/jogging/walking/staggering the 5km around the Southampton Common (and yes, it is as far as it looks) in order to raise money for cancer research. All I ask of you is that, if you are so inclined, you sponsor me to do so.
As I’ve said, I’ve already paid to do it – anything you donate will go directly to Cancer Research UK to fund research. I don’t even get so much as a free t-shirt, which is exactly as it should be.
So, what next? Easy. Click on this link –
You’ll be taken to my online sponsorship page, and then all you have to do is click on the bright pink “Sponsor me now” button and follow the on screen prompts. If you are UK based and pay taxes, don’t forget to click the ‘gift aid’ option as it means your donation automatically grows by 28%.
Between us we’ve already raised over £350 in the past two years, so let’s keep that total going up. The page stays open for donations till the end of July, though I race this Sunday, so if you want me to race in memory of someone, let me know before then 🙂
And that’s all I have to say, other than this will be the only event I ever ask for money for through Bright Meadow. Please give something – 10 pence or 10 pounds, whatever you feel comfortable with, it all helps. According to Feedblitz, there’s currently 106 people reading through RSS. If each of you just gave £1, that’s £100 right there.
I won’t be here to cheer you on- off LARPing for the weekend, but sponsorship duly provided 🙂
Good luck, try not to damage yourself.
Go Cas!
Keep up the great work, Cas!! 🙂
I’ve made a donation, enjoy the day.
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With the whole blogathon thing going on, I came back here as well to check this out. Must have been the second time I missed the exact date you were running. So, I missed it. I only just saw your Facebook status when I realized. Could’ve guessed when the roast just wouldn’t appear, couldn’t I?
Anyway, I clicked the sponsor thingy and none of the credit card options apply to me. Mostly because I still don’t have one. I’ll tell Kami too, but I’m going to do a mention of the both of you (I see people can still sponsor you too) and just keep to my own donations locally when I can. Glad you made it, though. Now rest.
Thank you everyone for your support and donations so far 🙂
(If you still want to donate, the site is open till the end of July).
Nils – well guessed on the reason behind no roast. I fully intended to do one but, by the time I’d staggered home and had a shower, I had just enough energy to collapse on the sofa and not move again all afternoon. I’ll see what I can do about rectifying the situation tomorrow when I get home from work. You know you’ve reached a point with your blog when your father rings up to complain that you haven’t posted as usual on a Sunday, so he has nothing to read *rolleyes*
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