Wish Upon a Star

I want passion. Fire. Mastery. Romance. Love. Comfort. Stability. Family. Roots. A springboard. A tether whilst I fly.

I am colour and spark and warmth. I need earth and water and safe harbour. I demand devotion. I need control. I need a partner in crime.

A rock. Pride. Folly. Everything. A kiss. A touch. A whisper in the darkness. Glory. A start. An ever-after.

I want love. I want life. I need space and a bolt hole. A hug. Permission. Understanding. Compassion. Forgiveness. To be told no. To hear Yes. To know I am ok. That everything is ok.

To be wanted. To be needed. To be a hero. To be your damsel in distress. I have to be what you want. What you need. And for you to be mine in return.

Fuel for my flames. A place to roost. An anchor. To be called home. To dance. To be shown off. Someone to be proud of me. To be told I am beautiful. That I am perfect. To fight my battles for me. To hand me my sword and stand back whilst I fight for myself.

To submit. To bind. To cherish.

To have. To hold.

Be mine. Be yours. Be together.

Be free.