The Rest Holm Times – Archive: June 2003

– Contrary to what some people are starting to believe, I am still alive. Just. Back from the doctors today. Go blood-tests :bored: As for everything else, I have purple/blonde hair again, I’ve been digging in a field, and I got my mother drunk and beat her at chess last night! =D (Much though I’d like to believe that I could have beat her if she wasn’t tipsy, alas, I doubt it would be so. Sigh)

And now that I have totally blown my family’s reputation on the net, my work is done, and I am going to watch Friends.

The Rest Holm Times – Archive: June 2003

– For I am randomly bored, and because now I’ve “inspired” Paul, I feel I should acutally make something of this place, you can have another items of news to read.

Um, well, another highly uneventful day has passed in the life of Cas Buchanan. For today, I have loafed, I have purchased groceries, and I have watched X-Men. Oooh, but DVD’s are fun. And I’ve upped my junk-mail protection. To quote Jess, I’m getting fed up of recieveing emails telling me that I can enhance bits I don’t have, or bits that I am fine with just the way they are!

There are a few more tweaks around and about, though I’ve still to sort out all the copyright dates. I am sure I mentioned somewhere about my propensity to just waffle… Well, just in case I dreamt it, take this as your warning. I take no responsibilty for the complete dross that might (and most likely will) on occasion pour from my keyboard.

And on that completely random note, I shall once more take myself off to try and get some sleep. Yes, it is depressingly early, yes Tom, I am a bad student, but I am frelling tired, I look like I crawled from the grave, and I want some sleep. So there =P (Oh, I also ramble when I am tired, so you’ve got me coming and going tonight). Night!

The Rest Holm Times – Archive: June 2003

02-06-2003 (much, much later)
– *tries to stand, has cramp in leg, falls off chair, hits head on desk* Ow.

And after nearly four hours, each and every one of the 35 separate pages is now all nice and shiny and new. Bar a few slips in copyright dates that can wait to be sorted another day.

This is your webmistress signing off, in order to go try and regain feeling in her back and legs. Where’s a guy ready with a massage when you need one…

The Rest Holm Times – Archive: June 2003

– You know Cas is on holiday when (1) the news reports are more or less daily and (2) when lots of things start changing around the Holm. A prize to the first one to tell me what the changes are. And feedback on whether or not the changes are for the better is much appreciated.

And now, if you will excuse me, I am off to fight with Geocities to get the coding for some pages back. I love the no-right-click and no-text-select that now graces the site (mega huggles to Bailey for that), but it does make the major overhauls that are currently underway much more complicated… Hey ho, I wouldn’t have it any other way, and it keeps me busy =D

The Rest Holm Times – Archive: May 2003

– How many times can I say “home again” before you no longer care? And as it has come to my attention that people actually *read* this page, I shall endeavour to be concise. Oh, who am I kidding? I’ll ramble much as I ever did *angel*

Ahh, the bliss of being back in G’bury surrounded by home comforts and beautiful scenery. And with my goldfish for company =D Matrix2 rocked (though there were a few… odd… moments, shall we say?), Southampton was wonderful, I managed to get my ear pierced again much to the chagrin of the aged p’s, and it looks like Dad has found his new home in the narrowboat Triss (Selby wasn’t a complete waste of time after all). We had a truly amazing time at the farm, with Peter’s welcome home party going off wonderfully well, and there were surprisingly few war-tales this time round. *breathes a sigh of relief*. I may even be going to India this winter… Being the unorganised cow that I am, I haven’t managed to get my hair dyed again, let alone sort out workexperience. Shoot me, shoot me now.

But the summer stretches before me, my typing and spelling get worse, and I am off to get some much needed sleep. If any of you know anything about how to get into a career in publishing (most likely editing), do let me know =)