Not a coherent post today, due to me actually doing some work for once! But this little collection of interesting bits and pieces has been building up on in my ‘blog-bits’ file for a week or so now. Time for a clear out… Oh, and before I forget, for the purposes of this blog, in a pathetic attempt to mask his real identity, Option Two will now be referred to as ‘Jeff’. Naming him ‘Jeff’ isn’t quite as odd as it might appear at first glance, but it is still a million miles away from his real name. And slightly less insulting than ‘Option Two’.
- A pic of the queen talking to Tony Blair. I’ve just realised – why is she carrying her handbag when she is indoors in her own home?
- I said this like weeks ago: the iPod might no longer be cool… See, the NYT agrees with me!
- A new favourite site: Eddie Izzard.Com. Don’t know why it has taken me so long to find the site, but it has. Go, watch clips, the man is a comedic genius.
- Possibly the coolest things made out of lego ever: the Lego Harpsicord
- Ok, I can’t get to the full story because I am not registering for another frelling news site, but exploding iPods… What will they think of next?
- I am, increasingly, of the opinion that penguins have an ulterior motive and are, to all intents and purposes, evil. Now, I find out that can also be gay. Gay Penguins story. Story courtesy of Mata on his blog.
- Surprise, surprise, anti-cellulite creams, and amino-acid enhancing shampoos, don’t actually work. Well, I could have told them that!
- RSS is my new friend – without it, I doubt I would have found this.
Thanks for the link 🙂
Ah, got to love the whole transfering archives from one platform to another thing, if only because it leads to time travel 😀
*waves at Mata*
Hello 🙂