Cas is currently
First things first, a new story for you all to read, linkage to which can be found over at: A Sip of Wine, A Sip of Water.
And if anyone can tell me what song that title is from, well, props to you!
On with the semi-traditional Sunday afternoon round-up. Because yes, it is 1pm, I am still in my pajamas, and am determined to get nothing constructive done today.
As always with everything I link to, please remember my tone of loving disrespect, and that I find life in general to be inherently hysterical. Any offense is yours to take as you please, just don’t carp on at me about it. So there
Lawn Couch – groovy, and I want one, but this is hardly practical. Think of the grass-stains! And you always get a damp arse when you sit on the grass (ooh, that rhymed!), even when it hasn’t rained for months. Still, shiny.
Squirrel helps with mobile calls – nope. No idea. Seemed amusing to me.
Of Faith and Religion – sometimes, you come across a random post that reminds you why you read blogs in the first place. Not sure I’m totally ok with everything said in the post, or on Tish’s site in general, but something in this one spoke to me.
Hamster-powered mobile charger – the boy deserves mad props for his idea. Not a fan of the subjugation of helpless pets in this manner, but when a dude from Somerset gets mentioned a US blog (not linked to here), I say ‘yay for him’.
Pupils learn through Myst game
* Teaching of creationism is endorsed in survey – I am at a loss for words. Just linking to this as it’s become a bit of a pet “you what now?!” topic for me.
Test drive a Mac Mini – do. Mac Mini’s are great.
Knitted Mittens – I can smell your brains!!!!!! Mwhahahahaha…
Laptop sleeve – I already have a sleeve, better than this one because it zips all the way round, but mine is boring grey wetsuit material. Practical but, as already mentioned, rather dull. These on the other hand, are really rather snazzy, if over priced. Ah well, I guess I could always just snazz up my own. My head-line does say I am all creative. Apparently.
Foofpod – already got something similar to this as well, that Little YoYo crocheted for me back last Christmas, but… *makes small noise of irrational desire*
RawSugar – for all you social-tech-geeks-people out there. Shiny idea.
* Real-time backup – oooh, snoopalicious. Just what you want your boss to be able to do, record every single keystroke you ever make. Then again, I can see the good in this little app. Just call me paranoid.
* Chimp/Y-chromosome evolution – and in the same week as all the evolution/ID broohaahaa as well… Is it me, or is that one butt-ugly chimp?
Your Tea Type – mad props to Moose for this one. I drink Assam, and occasionally Oolong. Freakish.
$1,000,000 to prove that jesus isn’t the son of the flying spaghetti monster – remember back at the start of the post when I said ‘loving disrespect’? Yep.
* Sound of Thunder review – *shudder* and I loved the short story!
US places curbs on Chinese bras – not really funny, but amusing to me due to something in the last season of West Wing…
Wiki Wednesdays – yes, I am a total geek, but this seems fun to me. *hangs head in shame*
Flickr/Yahoo ids – I know I am irrationally attached to some of my sn’s, but I don’t like Yahoo! Never have, and never will! There’s a reason I never use my yahoo! mail, and only use my geocities site under duress. Can’t really explain that reasoning right now, but… *sulks*
And that’s me done for another week. Off to reclaim my washing from the laundry now. I do lead an exciting life. Remind me to talk to you all about cereal and water sometime…