I’ll wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy New Year now, because I am returning to the Land that Broadband Forgot (Somerset), and so will be stuck with an expensive and unreliable dial-up connection till I return in about a week.
Also, you know, I should spend some time with the family. I mean, I am going back to see them after all 😉
Eat lots, watch lots of bad movies, drink too much (if you are so inclined), and generally be merry.
Merry Christmas to you as well, Cas! and a Happy New Year…and a Merry Christmakwanzaaka. And the same goes to anyone else who reads this.
You know, life is funny sometimes. I told you I’d start reading and posting on here more often…and then I go and break my laptop. Slipped right out of my hands. As a whole, it survived pretty well, I just managed to bust the power supply, so now I can’t charge the battery or run it off the wall outlet. It’s currently out of state with a co-worker on its way to her brother, who fixes these things for a living. I’ve never opened a laptop, and mine certainly wasn’t going to be the first. Oh well, c’est la vie.
Anyways, I’ll start posting a bit more often once my laptop is back in a week or two. In the meantime, enjoy your holiday.
Merry Christmas, Cas. 😀