Review of Clive Cussler: Sahara

SaharaClive Cussler
Sahara I have no cute graphic for books this bad as yet, but I will devise one at somepoint I am sure. *shudder*
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Time, unfortunately, for a bad review. Don’t, under any circumstances, read this book unless you are a committed fan of brainless adventure novels with plot twists you can see coming from the other side of the galaxy, no suspense what so ever, and a female character you would cheerfully throttle. This is one of the few times I was rooting for the bad guys when they were trying to kill her! No, I am not being too harsh. Even though I wasn’t expecting greatness when I picked it up (totally on impusle and because Matt McConaughey looked fine on the front cover), I admit I was expecting better than I got. This has to go on the list with all of Dan Brown‘s books (novel is too good a word), to be avoided like the plague. To quote Monty Python: “RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!”

I am actually a fan of the film. This book though… If you ever see me with a Cussler book in my hand again, shoot me.

11 thoughts on “Review of Clive Cussler: Sahara

  1. Dear Mr Bascom,

    Cas has every right to review whatever she wants and say whatever she wants about it. You have every right to disagree with her thoughts, but not to be offensive when saying so.
    If you can’t play nicely in the meadow with the other minions, please don’t play at all.


  2. Brett,

    I’d say welcome to Bright Meadow, but it is clear you didn’t enjoy your stay as much as I would have liked. I am sorry for this.

    A few points I would like to clarify with regard my review:

    1) It is a review, and therefore constitutes my own subjective opinion. I genuinely disliked this book, regardless of whether or not I “understood the concepts”. Which brings me to my next point.

    2) I actually enjoy and read a lot of adventure and mystery novels and, as such, am fully aware of the concept of willing suspension of disbelief. My problem with Sahara is not that it has such a silly plot. It is that it is badly written.

    3) I never said that the film was better than the book – they are two independent beasts, regardless of the debt of heritage one owes the other – I said that I enjoyed the film, and I genuinely did. Eye-candy for both sexes, more things blowing up than you could shake a stick at, and a couple of one-liners I laughed at despite myself. Popcorn, pure and simple, yes, but it revelled in it’s pulp status never claiming to be anything other than what it was. The book, on the other hand, wants you to believe that it is serious literature, and consequently falls flat on its face.

    I am sorry you did not appreciate my review, but I am afraid I cannot agree to your request never to review anything again. Ever. As Moose points out, this is my blog and I can review anything I wish to. You have the right to disagree with my opinion, just as you have the right not to read my blog. I am not such a fool as to think mine is the only opinion, and I will willingly engage in debate with people whose opinions differ from my own. This is why I leave the comments field open and also why I have not deleted your comment, despite people telling me I have every right to.

    Once again, I would like to say how much I regret that you didn’t enjoy your time at Bright Meadow. I would hope that you would come back and give it another try – we have a lovely community here and I think if you gave us a chance you could have some fun. I would also like to extend you an invitation to write your own review of Sahara which would be published here to provide a more balanced picture of the book.

    ~ Cas

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  4. Hey I was just surfing around and decided to post a short comment here. I run a movie review message board and am looking for people to write reviews and contribute at my forum. You can even post a link to your blog on your signature file at my forum. It’s all good! Take care.
    Find me at

  5. Pingback: White Man Stew » Sahara: don’t give him rewrite…

  6. Get real. Clive Cussler was never intended to be serious literature; he writes strictly escapist adventure and requires more than a lot of suspension of disbelief. The whole point is that it’s fun. I love real literature, but that doesn’t mean I can’t relax and enjoy Cussler’s stories. I will admit that Sahara is one of the least enjoyable of Cussler stories, but even so it doesn’t deserve such a lambasting. I certainly wouldn’t deny you the right of reviewing books ever again; just lighten up!

  7. I’m sorry Rod, we’re going to have to agree to disagree on this one. In my mind there is no excusing books this bad – how it ever got published when there’s much better escapist work out there…

    But as I said, agree to disagree.

    And welcome to Bright Meadow 🙂

  8. Don’t suppose you are into muscle cars, paintball or football either. Keep your reviews to arears you by and large follow and appreciate. Martha Stewart wannabe.

  9. Welcome to Bright Meadow and the comments dim caveman. I am sorry that you did not appreciate my review of Sahara — re-reading it I can see that perhaps it wasn’t the most balanced review I have ever written. I will also admit that this is the first time I’ve been likened to Martha Stewart, so kudos for making me and Moose laugh over our breakfasts this morning!

    I do read a wide range of literary styles across many areas and this particular book I just really didn’t like, as I feel my previous comments make clear. Why would I stick to just reviewing books that I liked? Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of a review?

    I am intrigued as to why you think I am not into muscle cars, paintball or football? Yes, I am a girl, but that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate more typically ‘male’ pursuits. I’m actually on record as a bit of a petrol head! I will admit that American Football doesn’t float my boat, but that’s just personal preference. I’d much rather watch Rugby, or Formula One (more cars!)

    But let me say again, welcome to Bright Meadow, and I hope you stay around to engage in more conversations with us here 🙂

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