
If a paperclip is a “trombone” in French, what is a trombone?
(Staring at a box of paperclips all day in the office. Sorry.)

2 thoughts on “Question

  1. It’s still “Trombone”. it had a double meaning… people figure it out by the context in which it’s used. 😛

  2. I knew that 😉

    It was just a thought that struck me, mid way through a long day of data entry, and it was a thought that passed the litmus test – it made two (or more) colleagues laugh when mentioned.

    Today’s thought was how silly to have a system of face recognition on new passports that can simply be defeated by the terrorist smiling, but that only made illyna laugh and mildly scandalised her at the same time, so it wasn’t a thought worthy of a blog post. A comment, yes, a post, no.

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