Following numerous grumbles, I’ve decided not to have the ‘mini meadow’ section in the sidebar any more.
Whilst I did like these little asides, they weren’t really noticeable unless you read the site via RSS, and large chunks of my readership were missing out on some fun conversations. So they are no more (the asides, not the readers – hopefully). The ‘Mini Meadow’ category itself is still in use and I will keep using it for those little snippets that aren’t really posts, but they will no longer be styled differently and they will appear in the normal way on the blog.
If you were a devoted fan of the old way, make a good case for reinstating it and I’ll reconsider. I’m nothing if not accommodating like that.
You are now free to resume your weekend ๐
I think you should do whatever makes you happy and if making us happy makes you happy then we’re all happy and there’s not much better than that. I liked them on the sidebar but I’ll like them not in the sidebar as well. How’s that for waffling about?
I nearly missed the last post whilst it was in the mini meadow (being so short, to the point and all). That would have been a shame.
You have made the right decision as far as I’m concerned.
I liked them – but being your stalker and all that – I will read them where ever!
*stalk stalk*
I personally think they’re better out in the main content area. If your asides were just links or whatever it’d be fine over there, but since you actually post content in ’em, I like them out with the rest of the content.
I liked the sidebar, and despite the fact I don’t have RSS, I don’t think I missed a post you made there.
So that’s two like vs. two dislike, with one ‘I really couldn’t give a damn’.
I’m agreeing more with the dislike camp however – as Josh said, they invariably had content, and I have a hard time just writing one or two lines of content. More than that isn’t really an ‘aside’ now, is it?
I think I can live with this ๐
(This is no ‘I don’t give a damn’ รขโฌโ I’ve always liked the asides idea (here and elsewhere), but I guess it just doesn’t pan out right most of the time. Post will do just fine.)
I’ll get on with that weekend thing you mentioned then?