In search of my Mojo

Cas Today - 26th Feb Hello all.

This is just a quick note to let you know I’m not going to be posting for a little while. Those lucky people who occasionally snaffle me on IM, the phone or *gasp* in person will know that my sparkle has been sadly missing for the past couple of weeks.

My get up and go has very definitely got up and gone.

Along with a bone crunching tiredness that has left me thinking wishfully of intravenous caffeine (or being allowed to sleep 24 hours a day!) my desire to write has pretty much lurked into hiding along with my sense of humour. The former I am on top of – yay for doctors and yet more blood tests, woot – and the later will be best served by not forcing it. Plus there’s been an excess of snark and meanness doing the rounds lately and it’s left a nasty taste in my mouth that’s really kinda put me off the whole blogging/internet/community gig. I just need to sit out on the sidelines for a bit and remind myself that it’s all just meant to be fun.

Given a week or so I am sure that I will be bursting with things to share, and my doctor is hot on the trail of my missing fizz, so worry not! Cas will return even better than before – just don’t go looking for me on the blog till the start of April.

If the thought of not having me around till then sends chills up your spine (well I am wonderful, so you can be forgiven 😉 ) I expect I will still be twittering and possibly even flickring a little bit so keep an eye on me there.

Till my return, mes amis 🙂

9 thoughts on “In search of my Mojo

  1. I hope things turn out well 🙂 and that you feel back to yourself soon. The internets will be a boring place without your blog posts 😛

  2. Hugs for cas 🙂

    By the way, the foot is very pretty. I am uber jealous.

    And just ’cause there are some snarks out there does not mean everyone is mean…ooops… too many means…



  3. Hello and thank you all 🙂 As this comment shows, I am lurking around and yes, I am still alive.

    Neko – yes, it is very pretty, but still very sore. Wearing shoes for the first time to work today was… interesting. Worth it though.

    Brian – I’m pretty certain this is your first time in the comments, so welcome to Bright Meadow 🙂 If it’s not your first time, well, hello anyway and clearly I’m in even more need of a break than I thought!

  4. I don’t believe it. I come back from a two month long, unplanned, internet sabbatical and walk into you starting a break yourself!
    Hopefully you’ll come across your mojo before I’m done playing catchup with your last thirty-odd posts. Else I’m going to have to come down there and get the lowdown myself. 😛

  5. Pingback: Bright Meadow » We’re all going on a Summer Holiday…

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