Bright Meadow in the Guardian Pie

Bright Meadow in the Guardian Pie We were watching the film Waitress the other week and both had an overwhelming urge to make pie. And to keep saying the word “pie”. Go on, say it. “Pie”. It is just such a lovely, round, tasty sounding word.

While Cas is busy saying the word “pie” over and over with a dreamy look on her face, I shall take over and tell you how I made the pie (this is Moose talking in case you’re worried Cas has suddenly developed a split personality along with everything else). The pie was made in celebration of Bright Meadow getting in the Guardian, hence the name of the pie. *


  • 3/4 pack chocolate Hob Nobs
  • a generous tbsp of soya spread
  • a tsp of golden syrup
  • 40g 70% cocoa chocolate
  • 75g frozen raspberries
  • 75g frozen blackberries
  • a generous tsp ground ginger
  • a tbsp sugar
  • a tbsp cornflour
  • enough custard to cover the top of the pie


  1. Crush the chocolate Hob Nobs
  2. Melt the soya spread, golden syrup and chocolate over a low heat and mix into the crushed Hob Nobs
  3. Pour into a round pie tin and press firmly to form a base and sides
  4. Leave in the fridge to cool and set
  5. Put the raspberries, blackberries, ginger, sugar and cornflour in a saucepan and heat gently until the fruit has softened
  6. Strain the fruit into a separate dish and return the juice back to the pan
  7. Add a little more sugar and reduce over a high heat until you have a thick sauce
  8. Put the fruit into the prepared crust and pour the sauce over
  9. Top with custard
  10. Place in a preheated over at 190C/375F/Gas 5 for approx 20 minutes or until it looks and smells cooked

Tips & Notes

  • Hob Nobs are an oaty biscuit – I can’t think of a direct comparison for our American readers, but a firm, crunchy, oaty cookie with a chocolate coating or chips would work just as well
  • This isn’t a British “pie” – don’t get either of us started on the stupidity of some of the things referred to as “pie” in the film. It’s just tasty, let’s leave it at that
  • You could use something other than soya spread if you so desired, like normal margarine
  • This is delicious hot or cold. The custard doesn’t really set when it’s cooked, so if you do eat it straight from the oven as we did, be prepared for the top of your pie to run away. Once it is chilled, the custard does set

* OK, so you caught me. I made the pie because I wanted to make pie. Cas getting mentioned in the Guardian was just a good excuse.

11 thoughts on “Bright Meadow in the Guardian Pie

  1. That sounds delicious. Hob Nobs sound good on their own, too… thinking I may have to do some research and find the American equivalent. Or, just maybe, the local Kroger might have some. Doubt it, though – they’ve got a variety of international cuisine aisles, but I’ve never seen “English” anywhere, heh.

  2. Hob Nobs are delicious on their own. Cas and I spent a good 10 minutes last night trying to think of an American equivalent to them, but couldn’t. You guys just don’t have the same kind of biscuits (cookies) we do. An oatmeal cookie would be the closest.

  3. Pie rocks! I love pie. At my wedding everybody else had some kind of cheesecakey type stuff, while I had my own massive apple pie and custard which the in-laws bought me as a surprise. Pie, pie, pie… hmmm… I love pie…

  4. Fulnic, you are officially named the pie monster. I’ll never let you live it down…. and we so have to make this pie!! Next time I come to yours…. I’ll bring the hob nobs….. we can make it for pudding next time we play silly games 🙂

  5. damn Cas for making me post this, I’ve been thinking of pie all day. And now I’m going to have to make another one.

    Mmmmmm, pie.

  6. Hi, cool movie and cool looking pie! I believe the US equivalent to an English Hob nob would be an oatmeal cookie with chocolate on top. Pretty yummy either way.


  7. Hob Nobs are great fun Jessica, I hope you get to try some soon. Welcome to Bright Meadow and the comments 🙂

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