Cas is taking a short break so it’s a Moose flavoured roast this week. Let me reassure everyone (parental units especially) that she is fine, She’s eating healthily – roasted vegetables for dinner, yuk! – she’s up and about not mopeing in her room. As I write she is busy sorting out her room. She just didn’t feel like roasting this week.
I shall start with a little news item from today’s Observer.
“Olympian, 80, warned over exercising on escalators – Former Olympic hurdler Peter Hildreth, aged 80, who represented Great Britain in the Games of 1952, 1956 and 1960, has been baned from running the wrong way up the escalators in a shop inb Farnham, Surrey. Hildreth said he wanted to prove his fitness.”
A recent study from the University of Portsmouth has apprently discovered that the wrong bra can ruin your breasts. Tell us something we don’t know. How many more studies like this are they going to do? What we really need is proper training for shop staff so they can help us find the right bras.
A report that finds there is no gender gap when it comes to maths is no surprise to me. But I am surprised that other people are surprised. Back when I was in high school (more than a decade ago now) there were equal numbers of girls and boys in top set maths, and almost as many girls as boys took A Level maths. I knew a lot of girls who took A Level sciences. One of my female friends has a PhD in biology. A few years ago I worked for someone whose daughter was just going to university to study engineering. No-one in the predominantly male office we worked in thought this was strange. The gender stereotypes have been slowing erroding for years. The only ones who apparently haven’t noticed are the ones studying gender stereotypes!
I love watching tennis, but as it’s rarely shown on British tv this means I gorge myself during Wimbledon. I’m particularly loving the BBC interactive service which means I don’t have to watch the plucky Brit losing (they are always plucky, and they always lose), and can watch more interesting matches with a hit of the old red button. This year Cas got dragged into my incessant viewing and became something of a Rafa fan (I think it was the rippling muscles that did it), which is why she was so gleeful this morning when she told me that he’d trounced Murray yesterday, again.
We may be coming up the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, but this is perhaps still too soon!
A Guardian blogger has been testing out the theory of a Canadian academic, who claims that if you want to know whether you’ll like a book try reading page 69. I’ve tried it on Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment and in the edition I have it was a particularly exciting page where someone was hiding behind a door with an axe, ready to kill anyone that came through. It has definitely made me more inclined to read it.
The model for next week’s Sunday Roast?
Not many trailers this week. Apple didn’t have anything worth linking to at all.
There’s this slightly blurry teaser for Yes Man. Very loosely based on a book by British comedian Danny Wallace. The book was hilarious, but I’m not sure about the film.
How to lose friends and alientate people. One scene in this had me howling with laughter, enough to bring a perplexed Cas in from the other room to find out what was happening.
Terminator Salavation teaser. Brad Fiedel’s theme still sends shivers up my spine.
Thank you for roasting Moose 🙂 It wasn’t so much that it was my honey, Rafa, who so completely trounced Murray, it was that anyone so completely trounced Murray. I just can’t stand the man! And yes, I did admit this in the office mid-Wimbledon, and nearly got lynched!
I’m not so sure about the Yes Man film either. The book was inspired genius because it was true, inspiring and so totally british. I am just not convinced that Jim Carey can pull off a Holywood-ised version. Wait and see I guess.
And now I’m heading back to tidying out my wardrobe of doom. Huge bags already for charity and rubbish, and it barely looks like I’ve made a dent. It’s a good job we’re starting early on the pre-move tidy out!
OMG! you can see the top of Cas’s warbdrobe now. I haven’t seen that since we moved in!
No, I’m not a fan of Murray either. I think it’s possibily because I don’t fancy him. I do support Marat Safin (Mmmmmmmmmm, Safin), but post-Wimbledon he’s not doing so well.