Movies Movies Movies

Just so you know, I’m breaking a cardinal rule and blogging whilst drunk here. OK, not drunk, just mildly merry, but still. Intoxicated. Not good. Please feel free to ignore anything said from here on in…

Why am I buzzed on a school night? Because this evening was the work annual party (because we rock), so the whole division went punting on the Cherwell, then had a lovely BBQ, and wine, and strawberries and cream. You really couldn’t have had a more English evening! Plus the weather was perfect.

Only one movie trailer for you today – it’s been a bit of a quiet week. There was this one to do with secret agent guinea pigs, but I just couldn’t bring myself to sully the blog with it. Low they might be, but I *do* have standards.

So the trailer?

9 – I’ve shown the teaser to this before (and actually the teaser works better, more intriguing), but this still looks like an awesomely screwball movie from some brilliant minds. A must see.

2 thoughts on “Movies Movies Movies

  1. I just saw Terminator Salvation and I have a new crush – Sam Worthington *drool*. Oh, and the film’s quite good too.

  2. I was on the fence with Terminator, but now it’s got the Official Moose Seal of Approval, I think I might just go and see it tomorrow 😀

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