I have been nominated for the ’10 books that have stayed with you’ challenge by the Lovely Leen. Here they are, after not too much thought and in no particular order:
1. Jane Eyre (Charlotte Brontë)
2. Yes Man (Danny Wallace)
3. The Darkness Visible (William Styron)
4. The Crow Road (Iain Banks)
5. Harry Potter (J. K. Rowling)
6. The Famous Five series (Enid Blyton)
7. Wolf Speaker (Tamora Pierce – ok, pretty much any Tamora Pierce, but this one was the first I found)
8. Neuromancer (William Gibson)
9. Cryptonomicon (Neal Stephenson)
10. Day of the Triffids (John Wyndham)
Nominate yourself. Or don’t. Your call 🙂