The Rest Holm Times – Archive: March 2005

– You are looking at an irritated Cas. What irritates me even more about this situtation, is that I wasn’t irritated ten minutes ago. Ten minutes ago I was rather a happy bunny, especially after pleasant conversations with certain individuals. But now, I am not happy. Not at all. Definately not. No no. Grrr.

Hands up those of you who have lived in halls? Now hands up those of you who lived in halls where there was a ‘no poster’ rule? And now, hands up who has lived in a hall where this draconian law is actually enforced? Yep, that’s right, the managers of my hall decided today in their hall inspection (which they didn’t give the legally required 24 hours for) that posters/things on walls in general are a big no no. Which leaves me with (1) nasty, badly plastered, magnolia coloured walls with the paint flaking off, (2) no handy month-planner above my desk, and (3) having to stick all important notices on a fricking piece of CARPET stuck on the wall THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ROOM TO MY DESK which is where I am when I have to SEE the frelling notices. Definately not a happy bunny at all. I could understand it if the paint work was pristeen. It isn’t. As already mentioned it is flaky, horrible, and frankly can only be improved by blu-tack marks. Their explanation? They cause a fire hazard. Plus, scrawled on the form I found on my bed, is the order to remove something from the room, but it is written illegibly so neither Jo nor me can work it out. The most likely thing we think it might be is ‘kettle’, but we can’t understand that as you are permitted kettles! GAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Plus the thought of me let loose on the world in the morning without a cup of tea frankly scares the bejesus out of me. I need that kettle! Now, I am going to stalk off to Asda to do the weekly grocery shop which in itself is likely to piss me off because it is a large one this week. I was so happy this morning…

The Rest Holm Times – Archive: March 2005

07-03-2005 (later in the evening)
– Wow, but Daredevil was a bad film! Had a bit of a Ben Affleck evening (Jersey Girl and afore mentioned red leather clad comic book character). I had seen Daredevil before but I had thought that it can’t have been as bad as I remembered. Oh how wrong you can be! Colin Farell did make me laugh though 😀 I kept waiting for him to say “they stole me lucky charms!” Thanks must go to the film though because it’s reminded me that I like 12 Stones’ music. In good news, I passed Research Skills! Whilst not as stunning marks as I would have liked, meh, I passed 🙂

Oh, what thoughts on the newish look? Trying to make it a bit brighter around here after a comment about the general greyness.

The Rest Holm Times – Archive: March 2005

– Some good news, some bad news this week. I finally managed to get a copy of Farscape: Peacekeeper Wars on dvd, got it home to watch it, and found that disc one was unplayable. So I’ve just taken it back and got a replacement, so hopefully I can watch it now! Evil Jo for leaving me her dvd collection whilst she was away. My severe lack of self control, and also the fact that for the first time in over 6 months I haven’t had to work at the weekend, meant that I spent the vast majority of saturday and sunday in bed (or on bed) watching the entire of series one of Arrested Development. That, and several films including Amelie, Proof of Life, and Once Upon a Time in Mexico. Not a bad way to spend the weekend, but I now feel exceedingly guilty for not having done any uni work. But then what is new? On the good side, I have started to write something! A bit of a departure for me as it is set very firmly in the present day and the real world, and I am not sure where it is going to go, but for a first time in a long time I got the tingles when I wrote, which is all to the good. I’ll keep you posted. Just had a passport picture taken for the purposes of a railcard (not having a car SUCKS!) and dear lord, I don’t look like that do I?! Because *shudder*. Now, I am off to the gym once more. Actually looking forward to it! Time to work through some plotting and the like.

The Rest Holm Times – Archive: March 2005

– Well I have found one way to stop me from playing solitaire: replace the mouse batteries with dud ones so that I have to resort to the trackpad! As the laptop is resting on the OED to bring it to an ergonomic height (still waiting on Farv to build me a nice stand), this means that moving the mouse around the screen is currently fraught with RSI till I can get to the supermarket to buy some proper duracell batteries. Last batteries put in mouse (duracell) lasted two months. Current batteries put in mouse (cheap black diamond) lasted five minutes. And that really is not an exageration!

In other news, Cas is getting healthy! I have been going to the gym like a good girl, twice a week, and this is the third week of the new routine! Cross-Trainers are evil, evil exercise machines that were put on this earth with the sole purpose of injuring me (very egocentric, but this is my site). I am starting to come around to the idea of treadmills though – the ones in the gym have these wonderful little fans that blow cool air at you whilst you are running. I am so easily pleased.

The Rest Holm Times – Archive: March 2005

– Happy month! Wished to you on, you know, the actual first of the month this time. Aren’t you lucky lucky people. And isn’t it amazing the number of things you can find to do rather than do work? As I need to toddle off to uni in a minute to get an assignment done, this will be a quickie (theoretically). Yep. That’s all I can think of to say. This is Cas the Chicken signing off for now (chicken according to Ellie because, well, I have never to this day made the first move! Which thinking about it might be part of the reason for why I only get valentines cards from women…)

The Rest Holm Times – Archive: February 2005


  • Jane bought pictionary. I bought a furry red nose and a grapefruit.
  • I don’t like zebras. Zebra’s are evil. They support Newcastle.

– It’s the last day of the month which means, among other things, a round up. Yipee! So, here goes:

  • Jobs quitted: One. So it was the only one I had, but it still counts! Yay! Get back to me in a month to see if I am still happy without the nice wage packet…
  • Valentines cards recieved: One. From a girl. I am doing something wrong.
  • Books read: Lots and lots. Go look at the book reviews for some of them.
  • Films watched: Enough to cover two post-it notes! Below is a list of them. I am only counting the films that I (a) paid money to see at the cinema, (b) paid money to rent the DVD (and haven’t watched before), (c) borrowed the DVD off someone else (aka Jo) and haven’t watched before, or (d) have watched before but feel that it is notable enough to put on the list. This last category is, as you might imagine, open to interpretation, and there for just that reason. Mwhahaha. The list doesn’t include all the films from two extensive DVD collections and on the TV that I have watched lately and had seen before.

Films watched in February:
A Very Long Engagement
The Motorcycle Diaries
Finding Neverland
Supersize Me
The Chronicles of Riddick
Intolerable Cruelty
Raising Helen
In Good Company
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind
The Royal Tenenbaums

Things done to the site:

  • Finally got around to using a CSS, made pop-up’s work (thanks Jo), changed the emphasis of the Bookshelf, started to seriously look into paying for webhosting, because Geocities is really getting on my bristols now.
  • Cars crashed: One. My only one. 🙁 RIP Micra
  • Letters written to the insurance company: The first of many no doubt disputing how much they think the car was worth
  • Snow falls: Quite a few. Only one that settled, but I have got to walk in the snow this year, which is the first in a while!
  • Alien Invasions foiled: One. The End.