i’m lost, i’m angry, and i’m armed

Cas is currently

Why has Saturday become the default day to do DIY? *1*
Don’t they know I have a thesis to write!
So inconsiderate.
Evil neighbours drilling something.
Right outside my window.

*1*I know why this is the case. The question was rhetorical. Grrr.Back
*2*Yes, I am in a bad mood this morning.

his bungee has lost its bounce

Cas is currently

It’s been a month since we moved into Meadow Towers and with every passing day it feels more and more like ‘home’. I hadn’t realised quite how settled I felt here till the other week, when I came back from the hospital, and just felt… at home. That’s the only way I can describe it.

I really can’t emphasize enough the importance to me of having my own space. Sheer bliss. We have pretty much all the furniture in place now – just waiting on a table on which to put the TV (and dvd, video, and freeview box) and we’re done! My room is now 95% complete with the addition of the last set of bookshelves; it’s just waiting on me to sort out the under bed storage and I will be totally done. Till I decide to rearrange the furniture that is. Moose is taking a little longer to get everything sorted out, but she’s getting there. It’s amazing how the immanent arrival of visitors from Armenia can suddenly focus your activities on finally getting fully unpacked!

There is now wireless broadband in the flat, so I can surf wherever the mood takes me – even in the bath! (if, you know, my laptop wasn’t worth so much money). It was surprisingly difficult to get the router configured properly. Broadband companies are missing out on a trick there – Tiscali said they’re perfectly happy for the service to be on a network (one of the reasons we chose them), but that they wouldn’t give any technical support to get it set up.

Who, seriously, in this day an age, would be content with just one USB DSL modem? If you’re getting broadband, the chances are there is going to be more than one computer in the family = arguments = the need for a router. In my own family, come Christmas when we all congregate down at the Homestead, there are four computers, all of which their owners are highly desirous of connecting to the Internet. Not just desirous, in fact, need to connect.

As for getting the thing to go wireless… The XP platform has been out for a while now. You’d think the manufacturers of a router/gateway would be capable of making it plug-and-play… Then again, it did only cost £50 from Tesco’s, so I suppose I shouldn’t grumble too much. Just don’t get me (or Moose) started on the instructions being on a CD-ROM, with the first instruction being ‘make sure everything is totally turned off, then connect it all, and then start up the computer’. Poor Moose’s laptop – it’s not a happy bunny at the moment anyway, and it didn’t know what had hit it when we were trying to get it all working. I lost count of the number of times it had to be restarted.

But it’s all working now. If there are any broadband companies out there listening, why don’t you set up a package that comes with a nice router included, or at least include customer support so when we’re trying to get your settings (fiendishly hard to find in the first place) into a third party router that does things in a completely different fashion, we don’t want to burst into tears? *1*

This wasn’t meant to be a rant about the trials and tribulations of getting the flat all connected, but hey! I had fun either way. In other news, in the last couple of weeks I have seen:

  • Cinderella Man – the non-boxing bits were really rather good. The boxing bits had me hiding behind the CC. I really don’t like violence, and it was… graphically shot. Much better than the American buzz had lead me to belive.
    Four penguins, though I won’t be getting it on DVD as I really did not like being forced to watch two men beat each other into bloody pulps.
  • Land of the Dead – actually less gruesome than Cinderella Man! Just one intestine shot that had me averting my gaze. I enjoyed it. Wouldn’t want to see it again, but glad I saw it.
    Three penguins.
  • Serenity. Oh. My God. You have to see this film, even if you aren’t a fan of the Firefly series (and if you aren’t a fan of the series, what’s wrong with you?). The first half seemed like an extended TV episode (no real focus), but still Whedon at his best. The second half though, as soon as they had their ‘mission’… Spine tinglingly good! Funny, scary, moving. I am not ashamed to admit that the ending had me sniffing and holding back tears. My one niggle? Whedon crumbled under studio pressure and had sound in space. In the series, when things explode in space, you get no sound other than the music soundtrack (as, you know, the laws of physics dicate!), which is perfect. The composer knew his stuff and the music implied things going ‘Kaboom! Kablooey!’ just perfectly. But in the big space battle, things were going Kaboom! Kablooey! all over the place. Grrr.
    Four and a half penguins. It just missed on the five penguins, mainly due to the lack of tightness in direction and the slightly soggy first half. Go and watch it. Now. Then get the series out on DVD and watch that again. Tell your friends to go and see the film – we want it to be enough of a success that Whedon gets to make 2 and 3 in the trilogy he has planned.
  • Wallace and Grommit and the Curse of the Were Rabbit – sheer genius. So very, very funny. Worthy of an oscar. You know those annoying people at the back of the cinema who just keep laughing out loud? That was me and Moose. I just couldn’t help it – so funny! And I want one of the little bunny rabbits. Worth going to see if only to see the short before the film starts, featuring the Madagascar Penguins… I haven’t laughed so much in one cinema outing since I don’t know when. I want to give this one five penguins, but something is holding me back. Not quite sure what it is, but, nope.
    Four and a half penguins.

I doubt many of you will have noticed a new addition, tucked in down the bottom of the sidebar, but I love it. Click on the link to see a map of where the last twenty visitors for the blog came from. Had someone from Alaska this morning!

Oh, before I forget – you have to ask Moose about Rabbit Surfing. Trust me. Funny. Just wish there was pictographic evidence to share.

*1*Yes, just occasionally I feel the need to act a bit girly about things. It was very stressful trying to get the damn thing to work! Took two rather intelligent people two days!Back
*2*Ok, you can stop laughing at me now.

i can’t understand it. i can’t even understand the people who can understand it

Cas is currently

Hola! Buen dia.

I know things have been quiet on the blog-front lately. Sorry. This isn’t going to be changing any time soon either, I don’t think. The will to blog has just temporarily left me. But I couldn’t leave you all with nothing to read, so here’s the traditional. Happy Sunday morning to you all.

Waffle Making Robot. Remember that story the other week about how we need more useful robots here in the EU? Is this the kind of thing they were talking about?

READYWHENUR. A remote controlled kettle?! I am at a loss for words.

Oddballz phone charms. Inordinately cute and I want one out of all proportion to their usefulness. I am such a girl sometimes.

Oldest noodle. I am an archaeologist after all!

Armoured Buddhist Monks. If that doesn’t get you wanting to read the story, nothing I write here will do the trick either.

Dawn Of The Dead take 2. LIttle knitted zombies and victims… Funny.

Blind group told to leave plane. Definitely NOT a funny story.

Digtial filmmaking and the paradox of choice. The truth about the film industry from the man who, among other films, wrote the screenplay for Corpse Bride, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and Big Fish.

Catholic journal condemns boxing. It’s not often I agree with the Catholic church, but with this one they are right on the money as far as I am concerned. The CC, on the other hand, loves boxing, and thinks I am barking mad for finding it a bloody, brutal, and incomprehensible past time that shouldn’t be dignified with the name ‘sport’.

Halloween Monster Wreath. Now this I have to make!

Art Flip Clock. If I do have to wake up in the morning, my prefered method is still to make sure there is someone else waking me up armed with a freshly made cup of tea, but this is one alarm clock I might not mind waking up to if I had to.

you’re mad. that’s what they said about jesus. they also say it about a lot of mad people

Cas is currently

We have broadband in the house! Still not totally happy, because it requires sitting on the floor with the laptop on a box in the lounge (one modem, two users, no phone socket in my room = awkwardness till we can get a router), but much better than the alternative of going to the library or the lab to check email and stuff.

Anyway, some late-night linkage. (Late night as in time that I posted it, not content. Dirty minded people. Tut tut.)

Intelligent Design fun:
Flying Spaghetti Monster Broach.
Science and Religion can coexist.

Things that have made Cas’ geek-senses tingle:
www.ning.com. Not had a chance for a proper play, but looks fun.
synchroedit.com. Ditto this. Fun?
www.writeboard.com. And again, geek-Cas-fun.
Wikipedians write for Esquire.
Governance, Scaling and Anonymity in Wikipedia.
Top 10 Web Design mistakes.
* A Grammar Note to Web Writers. (Yes, I am aware that this is a case of do as I say, not do as I do).

Just general sillyness and things that made me go huh?:
Europe needs more robots.
Proposed Indian law would make the Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit criminals.
School goes ‘totally’ digital. Half of me is going ‘yay! I want to go to school here’, the other half of me is going ‘um… this is wrong’.

Things that made me go grrrrrrrrrrrr:
SMS Bible – OK, I’m not Christian, and the thought of txt-speek bible verses is insulting me. Then again, I might just be being over sensitive.
Attack of the NYT. A few months back, the NYT announced their stupid plan to make people subscribe to some of their columns (how mid 1990’s). I wasn’t expecting much of a problem, because it seemed to effect columns I didn’t read much. Then I try to view some articles on the IHT today, and what happens? I get greeted with the linked screen (screenshot later if I can be bothered). Irritating. Very very irritating.

That’s it.

nice to meet you, even though you are my least favourite type of vegetable

Cas is currently

I’ve been meaning to blog this for ages now since it was sent to me, but… neh.

Better late than never, take a look-see at what one of my internet minions (JB) has found: So You Wanna Build A Rocket?.

He also found this which has earned him my undying devotion (at least until tomorrow morning when something else that amuses me more comes along).

I do like having minions.

If anyone else would like to be a minion, all you have to do is find a funny or something news-worthy, or just generally odd that you think deserves to be on the blog, and email me the link. My contact details can be found somewhere on the blog (consider it a challenge: if you can’t find the email address, you aren’t worthy of being a minion).

Spooky’s Minion contribution – Penguin Jokes.

Being a minion grants you no rights what so ever.
Be emailing a link you are giving permission for the blog-owner (ie me, Cas), to mock you and your choice of links mercilessly , or not, as the mood takes me.
By emailing a link you automatically agreeing to become a minion. There is no esacpe.
Once a minion, always a minion. Mwhahaha.

laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired

Cas is currently

Got a date for the broadband installation – 14th of October. Quite what can take them two and a half weeks I am not sure, but that is how long it takes, so that is how long I am going to have to wait.

Thanks to the glory of wifi and RSS though, I can bring you (almost) normal service. The following are the articles/headlines that caught my eye in Vienna this week enough to mark them. I can’t vouch for the content of some of them (mainly the news articles, and a few evil blogs that limit their feeds) but *shrug* have fun either way. One or two of these I have linked to mainly so I have a quick way of getting the links when I am in the lab on Monday, but there are a few goodies buried in there as well. Have I ever let you down before? (Don’t answer that.)

As always, a * by the link means it requires some form of free login to view it.

Internet users say debate over control misses point (IHT).

Ross Mayfield’s links for 01-10-2005. Wikipedia eats Google. Posted this one mainly for me and last minute research, but also as another warning to y’all that just because it’s the first hit in Google, doesn’t mean it is the right hit.

Two NYT (anti)evolutionist stories.
* For the Anti-Evolutionists, Hope in High Places.
* In Pennsylvania, It Was Religion vs. Science, Pastor vs. Ph.D., Evolution vs…

– I so want this to be me!

Link to Serenity Personality Test via JB.

Communication aid for the paralysed.

Ramblers attack pylon extension. I am not going to rant till I have read the full story, but grr. Bloody ramblers.

Griffin Smartdeck – sounds all full of geeky wonderfullness.

Call for Finns to demonstrate against silly copyright act. Not had a chance to check the veracity of this, but hey, who cares?

The New Cliche: “It’s the Wikipedia of…” As Ross says, you know something has arrived when it’s used to describe a phenomenon.

Broadband By Plug. If it’s true, how very very shiny!

Your blog: search engine rankings, anonymous blogging.

Silence is [not always] golden – ah, those lovely girls at Girlspoke.

WFME: Imaginary Friends – just so I can remember this for a post I am in the middle of writing…

Palace date for US breakfast show – I know there is more to this story than the summary is giving me, but… you what now?

Cartoon Secrets. Intrigued. Want to be able to click the links in the article. Can’t. Sad now.

Congress Abandons WikiConstitution – ooh, it is always nice when you hear about new(ish) projects in time to fit them into your conclusion…

Blair Powerless Over Dentists. I don’t care what the article is about. The headline is enough for me.

Update on the ‘Bond Race’. Goran (ER) Visnijc as Bond? I am having problems with that. Daniel Craig on the other hand…

When Media Becomes Culture: rethinking copyright issues.

Sub-$100 laptop design unveiled. The social implications of this are, if not necessarily ‘huge’, fairly large. That’s if, you know, everyone puts ego and stuff to one side for once.

Copyright Law Book licensed under CC. Go Creative Commons.

* Michael Crichton becomes State Witness on global warming. Now I’ve not read the text of the article yet, but again, you what now?

Web 2.0 Elevator Pitch. Some of the latest answers to the seemingly unanswerable question of ‘what is Web 2.0 when it’s at home anyway?’

Got Browser Woes? Think Again.

Plans for a Euro-Russian space craft.

Just when I was feeling insecure, I still feel insecure – I feel all guilty now. I am a lurker, not a commenter. It’s taken many hours of therapy, but I am coming to terms with this. Still, at the same time I don’t want to comment on other peoples blogs etc, I want them to comment on mine. Catch 22, but a bit less serious.

Starting to think I should get me some of this Skype action.

Etch a design onto your iPod or Powerbook. These look monumentally funky but I think I would just be too scared. I haven’t even had the guts to stick a single sticker on my shiny Powerbook. The back of the iPod is all scratched and dented now (all honorable scars) yet… I am still scared to stick something on it, let alone something as permanent as etching. I think this horror goes back to the day when my brother stuck some stickers he got from a cereal packet all over my bike. I never did get those damn things off the poor thing.

Semantic Headers. I am intrigued. I will be checking this out when I get into the lab on Monday.

Ross Mayfield’s links for 23-09-2005. Some interesting wiki things for me to, again, look into on Monday.

Blogging as therapy. Half holds up hand. Ok, so maybe sometimes it is for me. Sometimes. My preferred form of therapy (if you can have a preferred form of therapy) is writing stories. Just… I’ve not had a good idea in two years now 🙁

Ross Mayfield’s links for 09-09-2005. Again, one or two links that interest the researcher in me.

blogher: Do You Attend Carnivals? The idea intrigues me.

Frog Design Mind. If this is the link I think it is, very pretty.

Improving link display for print. Also known as CSS is your friend.

Ben Hammersley: Neologism. This must have made sense when I read it because I bookmarked it. *shrug*

John August: Dear Governor Schwarzenegger…

Wee Wonderfuls: Plain Spoken – check! Wish I could remember what this was!

Beyond Cyberpunk! The Web Version. So geeky. So cool. A piece of hypertext history.

Jim Kelly – Free Reads. More eBook goodness.

* Build your own lego. You are never too old for lego.

British Library: Turning Pages Project. Great idea. Sad that I can’t look at it at all because 1) I am currently on dial up and 2) I don’t have Flash in the lab.

Scanned in coconut-flake book. No idea, but the headline sounds cool!

this is my house and there are certain rules about snakes and dismemberment

Cas is currently

Happiness is being able to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and not having to take your keys with you.

Happiness is being able to leave your washing up on the draining board to drain before it gets put away.

Happiness is a double bed *1*

Happiness, in general, is being moved into the flat properly. The kitchen is fully unpacked, as is my bedroom and bathroom. The living room is as unpacked as it is going to be till we can afford a sofa. I got all jiggy with a screwdriver yesterday and assembled two double beds.
Time taken? 1hr 30 for one, 30 min for the other.
Blisters? Burst the big one on my palm that I got on Sunday from doing the bookshelves.
Not having to sleep with a pillow under your hips to cushion them from the floor? Priceless. *2*

move1 (Click for notes and some explanatory comments).

*1*That you assembled yourself – I am the flat-pack queen.Back
*2*Imagine that last said in a Jack Davenport voice. Swoon.Back