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Yes, it’s time to dish up the Sunday Roast again. As always, the full menu can be found here, under the tag ‘sundayroast’ and here, under the tag ‘leftovers’.
E-mail time capsule. Email yourself in 1/3/5/10/20 years time. I like the idea of this, and am composing the email on and off as we speak. I am at a slightly odd point in my life, with possibilities – both personal and occupational – leading off in all manner of different directions. I like the idea of getting an email in a year or so’s time (when hopefully all it becoming clearer) just to see how far I have (or haven’t) come.
IE Tab extension for FireFox. Great for when you want to view film times at the local Odeon without starting up IE just for that. Not used it personally (me and FF are currently not seeing eye to eye), but the buzz about this is great.
Penguin Podcast. No, despite my all-consuming obsession about penguins, this is nothing to do with the cute (but evil) flightless birds. Rather, this is Penguin-as-Publisher. Also a favourite of mine (and also, on occasion I am sure, evil), the publisher is introducing a fortnightly pod-cast containing interviews with authors, excerpts from books, exclusives, news, and who knows what other treats. I haven’t had a moment to listen to the first one yet, but I am sure this is something to keep your eye on. Way to go embracing the modern world Penguin!
Paul Davidson on the Danger of Escalators. Just LOL. That’s it. LOL.
Ex LIbris Anonymous. Beautiful journals bound in old book covers. A great gift idea (it’s coming up to the Holidays, and I am always on the look out for something a bit different to give as a present).
Portraits of Mexico’s Lucha Libre wrestlers . Sadly, no El Santo, but still great 😀
Pengor: Penguin of Doom. Oh. My. God. Haven’t I been telling y’all for the past year how evil penguins are? Here’s proof that I am not alone in thinking this. Sadly, this site has no RSS feed, and as it is very irregularly updated, I am not sure if this is going to prove a keeper. But doesn’t it just make you love the internet?
Ten Simple Rules for Dating a Blogger. *Has a secret snigger* Ok, so I’d like to think I’m not this bad, but there’s more than enough grains of truth in this article to make me wonder at mine (and the CC’s) sanity. I mean, who would (1) be a blogger and (2) date a blogger?
Joi Ito’s Web: Blogging style. Some good tips we could all do with taking to heart.
Creative Marketing Destruction: Add Water and Blog
Carbon Footprint Calculator . What’s your carbon footprint? (How eco-friendly are you basically). This is a wildly inaccurate tool, but it gives a basic idea. Here at Meadow Towers, we have a footprint of around 2 tonnes of carbon. The UK average is 10 tonnes, so we’re not doing too badly. And there isn’t much we can do to improve it either, apart from installing energy efficient lightbulbs, because the rest is things like installing better boilers and solar power etc, all of which we can’t do in a rented property for obvious reasons. A great resource for dhtml codes, javascript, patterns, and a whole host of more free stuff for elegant webdesign.
Panda Cam. If you’re a Mac user, you definitely have to check out San Diego’s Panda Cam widget. Let’s face it, unless you are a robot, the sight of a small fuzzy baby panda will melt your heart. However, if Pandas aren’t your thing you can also watch polar bears, elephants and apes on the cam via the same widget. It’s like having a zoo on your desktop – minus the poop. I really need to get around to installing that OS upgrade I got for my birthday two months back…
BBC NEWS | Education | Girls ‘put off technology jobs’. Sad, but true. From a personal standpoint, whilst no one has stood in my way of trying to get a tech-career, no one has pushed one on me either. I have never been given information on the subject and I know for sure I am missing out on opportunities because I just don’t know where to look. No idea how to rectify the situation though.
What’s in your folder of shame? We all have one. I just opened up my ‘blog text’ folder, and found a fair few including what led to this post. So now you know who to blame for that monstrosity!
The Dilbert Blog. Love the cartoons. Love the blog.
Highlander in 30 seconds with bunnies. Yes, Highlander the film (the one with Christopher Lambet) re-enacted in 30 seconds with bunnies. One of the things that made me smile most this week.
Google Job Opportunities. No, I am not going mad. Please, trust me, and follow the link. I won’t spoil the surprise by telling you why a link to job openings at Google had me choking on my Assam, but it did.
Mini Star Book Ornamnet. So pretty! I think I might have to make me some of these for Egor.
That’s it for this weeks’ Roast. I’m being glowered at by the CC. He has this spidy sense that kicks and alerts him when I’m writing for the blog instead of the thesis. Only one week to go on that (hopefully!) and then I will have no excuse not to do all the fun things I have planned for Bright Meadow (starting with a proper hosted domain and WordPress…)