Sunday Roast: on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam

This week what is there to tell you? Um. Not so much really. I’ve been laying low since last weekend’s fun and frolicks, trying to decide what to do on my holidays in a few weeks time. Yes, I have the last two weeks of August booked off and I still haven’t decided what I’m going to do. Usually I’m the queen of forward plans but lately I’ve been the last minute lady. Jersey is still top of my list for some reason so if anyone knows of a decent B&B or hotel there – or conversely somewhere else I can have a kick-ass holiday (English speaking is my one requirement as I’m chicken when traveling on my own) – please let me know.

The roast I have so lovingly prepared for you on this glorious Sunday afternoon is testament to the 40+ hour weeks I’ve been pulling lately – very, very short because I don’t have the energy to do more and am very hard to impress at the moment! As always, I hope you enjoy and feel free to bring more links to the table ๐Ÿ™‚

The Harry Potter Plot Enlightenment Project appeals to my sense of the absurd. If you’ve not read the books yet, yes it is spoilerific as their entire purpose is to reveal what happens in Book 7. On a t-shirt. In yellow or black. What more could you possibly want?

Joe has a 55 reasons why you shouldn’t use Wikipedia that made my Sunday morning.

Mac user? Faced with lots of icky Word tables to make into pretty HTML? Use Tom’s tip. Hell I wish I’d know this last year… *rolleyes*

Triffids! That’s all I have to say.

Apparently there’s been a spate of incidents in Hong Kong where people are getting seizures as a result of Mahjong… Yup. The Chinese tile game. Okay.

I’ve linked to it before, but I’ll link to it again because watching the full trailer for “National Treasure 2” I was struck with the thought of how much easier conspirators would make their lives if they, just for shits and giggles, didn’t write down their plans and real names and hide them in idiotic places any person with a few brain cells and a propensity for outdoor pursuits could find them. Seriously, these people need to stop reading from the Bond villain handbook.

And lastly because his images always blow my mind and more people need to see them,

15 thoughts on “Sunday Roast: on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam

  1. Thank you very much for the kind words about my photos ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’ll also hold my hand up and say that I was one of the people that should have replied to your lurking post a few days ago! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Well I’ve just got for my birthday the entire 1-6 box collection and book 7 – so Harry Potter fest is about to take place. I have a plan to go through them all and then read 7. It’s been hell not reading it but I’ve spaced out the reading and missed 5 and 6 so want to ‘potter’ (sorry had to), through them all in sequence. Should be a good plan that takes me probably the rest of the year judging by the rate I get a chance to read ๐Ÿ˜‰ As we don’t have a TV I’m getting more and more into this reading non-work books thing ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Hey Girl, I was looking at “So what if the entire page is in Japanese, Iรขโ‚ฌโ„ขve found my watch!” in one of your earlier posts and thought I would let you know that Babelfish is a great translator. you can even set it up so that people can translate your entire blog into all the major languages at the press on a button on your site and it’s free, check it out. Like your blog, I’ll stop by again. Take Care, Joseph W. aka WaterRabbit

  4. Tam – it shouldn’t take you that long to go through them all in sequence! I think it took me about a week. Maybe two… Then again, I do tend to devour my books in one sitting. Mmmm, books… Enjoy them when you do read them and I’ll try to be good about spoilers ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Joseph – thanks for that great tip. I might have to try it (though I’m not sure I really want to find out I’ve fallen in love with a ร‚ยฃ50,000 watch!) And welcome to Bright Meadow and the comments ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Jersey ? Pah. Guernsey is completely and utterly where it is at. I have a Mac now – woo !

  6. I too tend too read and read untill I’ve finished my books, but looking back I sometimes find I can’t remember much of the book after a few years (which is great because I can reread them). It makes me wonder whether you’ll enjoy a book more if you take the time to read it. Well spread it out a bit rather than read it all at once… Like do you devour a cake or eat small bites (devour! in my case) Any thoughts?

  7. Yay! The Godhead!

    And bah! I’d 95% settled on Jersey. Even found the hotel to book tomorrow and… You go and recommend Guernsey. Bah! I say. You know how easily swayed I am!

    But welcome (finally) to the comments ๐Ÿ˜€

  8. Renee – don’t worry, those sneaky ooooo’s catch us all out.

    As for devouring over savouring? It’s a little bit of both for me. My preferred style the first time I pick up a book is just to dive in, and gulp it down, getting a general feel for the story. Then I’ll go back and re-read it time over time (if I enjoyed it) and get different things from it each time, because I can focus on the details and not worry about whether my favourite characters are going to die or not (for example with the latest HP – I couldn’t put it down till I knew).

    But there is something to be said for the controlled approach. Authors, like film makers, take a lot of time crafting the plot and making sure z follows y, sure as it follows x, in an orderly fashion. Things happen when they are MEANT to happen for the benefit of the wider story. Perhaps by gulping it down without taking time to chew, we’re loosing some of the flavour… (And have I killed the metaphor fully yet?)

  9. For me, non work books are a slow savoring affair. I usually get only an hour a day to read them at night. I think because I work online all day and have to read a lot for that, come the night time my brain is leaking a bit and focused lengthy reading just doesn’t work. My reading speed is about a snail’s at that time of night (usually around 1 or 2 in the morning). I like the feeling that tomorrow I will find out what x or y meant as I go through each chapter. I tend to focus on one non-fiction and one fiction book though so not as to get the plots all jammbled up – yep that has happened before.

  10. Tam – lol! Mash-up books! ๐Ÿ˜€

    Jackson – as I’ve already said, I think I’m safer NOT knowing how much my dream watches cost!

  11. Well I went to school there so very biased. Halcyon days etc etc. Jersey has its highlights, I imagine, if yo like that kind of thing. You know, Bergerac, drug lord disputes, french criminal masteminds, human trafficking. You could always opt for a week on Sark. Mr Pye anyone ?

  12. Not to make you feel smug or anything, but Guernsey it is ๐Ÿ˜› I’ve just booked the hotel. I’d better enjoy it…

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