Something new for Bright Meadow

Yes, Bright Meadow is back, but in a new guise. Since getting Belle, the iPhone I have fallen in love with an app called Instagram. In replicates old polaroid shots in that all your photos are constrained to a square and you can’t alter the depth of field. What you can do is apply awesome filters which instantly make even the most mundane photo a work of art.

What makes it even better is the seamless way I can post to Twitter and Flickr to share the images. This, along with the pretty decent camera the iPhone comes with, has prompted me to do a Project 365. One photo, each day, for a year.


A bit of coding jiggerypokery later, and you get to share the fun here on Bright Meadow as well!

The rules:
1) the photo must be taken that day
2) only one photo of WhiskeyCat allowed per month
3) …

Just those two rules for now. I’m not going to be posting long explanations behind each photo, unless I feel there is a massive need. Hopefully each one, along with the title and/or caption will be all you need. Think of this as an experiment in a different sort of story telling.

Please,as always, comment away. Let’s try and bring Bright Meadow back from the brink!


4 thoughts on “Something new for Bright Meadow

  1. Thanks, and welcome back to the Meadow. And once the craziness of NaNoWriMo is over, I’m going to try and bring a better balance of daily photos and blogging. Note the operative word in that sentence – try

  2. Pingback: November Roundup | Bright Meadow

  3. Pingback: Confession | Bright Meadow

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