yes, sir, captain tight pants

Cas is currently

Yes, it’s time to dish up the Sunday Roast again. As always, the full menu can be found here, under the tag ‘sundayroast’ and here, under the tag ‘leftovers’.

E-mail time capsule. Email yourself in 1/3/5/10/20 years time. I like the idea of this, and am composing the email on and off as we speak. I am at a slightly odd point in my life, with possibilities – both personal and occupational – leading off in all manner of different directions. I like the idea of getting an email in a year or so’s time (when hopefully all it becoming clearer) just to see how far I have (or haven’t) come.

IE Tab extension for FireFox. Great for when you want to view film times at the local Odeon without starting up IE just for that. Not used it personally (me and FF are currently not seeing eye to eye), but the buzz about this is great.

Penguin Podcast. No, despite my all-consuming obsession about penguins, this is nothing to do with the cute (but evil) flightless birds. Rather, this is Penguin-as-Publisher. Also a favourite of mine (and also, on occasion I am sure, evil), the publisher is introducing a fortnightly pod-cast containing interviews with authors, excerpts from books, exclusives, news, and who knows what other treats. I haven’t had a moment to listen to the first one yet, but I am sure this is something to keep your eye on. Way to go embracing the modern world Penguin!

Paul Davidson on the Danger of Escalators. Just LOL. That’s it. LOL.

Ex LIbris Anonymous. Beautiful journals bound in old book covers. A great gift idea (it’s coming up to the Holidays, and I am always on the look out for something a bit different to give as a present).

Portraits of Mexico’s Lucha Libre wrestlers . Sadly, no El Santo, but still great 😀

Pengor: Penguin of Doom. Oh. My. God. Haven’t I been telling y’all for the past year how evil penguins are? Here’s proof that I am not alone in thinking this. Sadly, this site has no RSS feed, and as it is very irregularly updated, I am not sure if this is going to prove a keeper. But doesn’t it just make you love the internet?

Ten Simple Rules for Dating a Blogger. *Has a secret snigger* Ok, so I’d like to think I’m not this bad, but there’s more than enough grains of truth in this article to make me wonder at mine (and the CC’s) sanity. I mean, who would (1) be a blogger and (2) date a blogger?

Joi Ito’s Web: Blogging style. Some good tips we could all do with taking to heart.

Creative Marketing Destruction: Add Water and Blog

Carbon Footprint Calculator . What’s your carbon footprint? (How eco-friendly are you basically). This is a wildly inaccurate tool, but it gives a basic idea. Here at Meadow Towers, we have a footprint of around 2 tonnes of carbon. The UK average is 10 tonnes, so we’re not doing too badly. And there isn’t much we can do to improve it either, apart from installing energy efficient lightbulbs, because the rest is things like installing better boilers and solar power etc, all of which we can’t do in a rented property for obvious reasons. A great resource for dhtml codes, javascript, patterns, and a whole host of more free stuff for elegant webdesign.

Panda Cam. If you’re a Mac user, you definitely have to check out San Diego’s Panda Cam widget. Let’s face it, unless you are a robot, the sight of a small fuzzy baby panda will melt your heart. However, if Pandas aren’t your thing you can also watch polar bears, elephants and apes on the cam via the same widget. It’s like having a zoo on your desktop – minus the poop. I really need to get around to installing that OS upgrade I got for my birthday two months back…

BBC NEWS | Education | Girls ‘put off technology jobs’. Sad, but true. From a personal standpoint, whilst no one has stood in my way of trying to get a tech-career, no one has pushed one on me either. I have never been given information on the subject and I know for sure I am missing out on opportunities because I just don’t know where to look. No idea how to rectify the situation though.

What’s in your folder of shame? We all have one. I just opened up my ‘blog text’ folder, and found a fair few including what led to this post. So now you know who to blame for that monstrosity!

The Dilbert Blog. Love the cartoons. Love the blog.

Highlander in 30 seconds with bunnies. Yes, Highlander the film (the one with Christopher Lambet) re-enacted in 30 seconds with bunnies. One of the things that made me smile most this week.

Google Job Opportunities. No, I am not going mad. Please, trust me, and follow the link. I won’t spoil the surprise by telling you why a link to job openings at Google had me choking on my Assam, but it did.

Mini Star Book Ornamnet. So pretty! I think I might have to make me some of these for Egor.

That’s it for this weeks’ Roast. I’m being glowered at by the CC. He has this spidy sense that kicks and alerts him when I’m writing for the blog instead of the thesis. Only one week to go on that (hopefully!) and then I will have no excuse not to do all the fun things I have planned for Bright Meadow (starting with a proper hosted domain and WordPress…)


a committee is a cul-de-sac down which ideas are lured and then quietly strangled

Cas is currently

Taking into consideration the (one, thank you JB) input I had about the new-format Sunday Roasts, here are my favourites from the past week. The tag ‘sundayroast’ is still very much up and running, so do subscribe to that as well, just to make sure you don’t miss anything.

Japan photoset on Flickr. Flickr really does provide you with some visual treats sometimes.

Around China photoset on Flickr. Again, Flickr showing its wonderfulness.

Streetcards – Gaping Void. So hard not to just order a pack of these right now.

mamamusings: isowantone. This is linked to the next item and contains the story behind how it came into being.
I So Want One! Got that tween in your life who you just can’t think of the right present for? Everyone dreads that blank “thank you so much auntie cas, i’ve always wanted socks for christmas’ look you get when you’ve picked up something SO not cool. Well, this here might be the solution to all our problems. A blog written by an 11 year old, reviewing the toys that HE would want. An no, I wouldn’t have linked unless I thought it was a great idea and well executed. Kudos. Go, support the next generation 🙂

Barcode Art. Some of his portraits are mindbending. You’ll never look at the humble barcode in the same way again.

Guide to writing Sci-Fi and Fantasy.

Dr Who – animated series. From the BBC so they’re all official like. Got one written by Douglas Adams. I really wish I hadn’t found these – more blooming distractions!

Main Course:
Wikablog Home Page. I was tempted, mainly because it links two of my current favourite topics (blogs and wikis), but also because I think it is valid. Or not. What does it have that makes it stand out from all the other blog-listing things out there, other than that anyone can add blogs or change the description of blogs. In that sense, I like. Sharing what you know is good is always… good. At the same time, what if someone added you and you didn’t want to be added? There is no ‘delete’ mechanism. Wait and see. It is young yet. Needs a critical mass of people to make it work I think. I also think that there should be more expressed personality on the wiki. Just talking out loud here, but do think that on their homepages, people should put “and these are the blogs that I think are rather snazzy…” Get a community going. Hmmmm… *wombles off to have a quiet muse*
Five days later, I’m liking it, not only because it is (still) a wiki, but because it introduced me to the Scary Duck. Read the first post and laughed so much I sprayed Cookie Crunch all over the desk.

Wikipedia hardcopy for the developing world. Wikipedia in print… Does seem to detract some from the whole point of the site, but hey – if it is for developing nations. Only, there will be some kind of vetting of the articles used, won’t there? WE all know not to trust 100% what wikipedia says, but the thought of Wikipedia being the only/main source of information is a little scary. And I like wikis!

Jimmy Wales talking at SIMS about Wikipedia. Hear the founder in his own words. The file is large, but worth the download. I am not totally sold on everything he has to say, but it really is a treat to hear him.

JB’s nanowrimo2005 blog. Go, read, support. I will be doing just that once the Beast is fully tamed and handed in. For London/So’ton/Portsmouth people, this is great. You can get to London on the train for £1. Yes, that’s right, £1.

apophenia: growing up in a culture of fear: from Columbine to banning of MySpace. More thought provoking goodness from Danah.
For American youths, life is an open book, via blogs – Technology – International Herald Tribune. A good counterpoint to Danah’s previous words.

Sleep – An Insight. I get grumpy if I don’t get my full 8 hours (and with the CC on lates, I am currently only getting 7, hence Cas = a bit snarky right now). This is a Nature (the journal) special all about sleep. Some pretty interesting facts actually.

An open letter to Disney Store UK. *Is nodding head in agreement with all said*

Blogger – turning on comment moderationTurning on the word verification has stopped 99% of my blog-spam, but a higher volume site might find this useful.

Heated USB gloves. Tried to think of some snappy caption for this, and I really can’t think of anything to do them justice. I really am speechless,. I can make note only of my speechlessness.

Pastor electrocuted during baptism. This is just too bizarre NOT to be included in the Roast. Especially considering I just typoed it as ‘baTpism”. No idea what batpism is, but it must be dangerous…

Edible toaster. Why?

Walk like an Egyptian zombie thing… More zombie goodness, this time courtesy of Mata.

Designer creates wall of breasts. I couldn’t decide if this was worthy of serving in the Roast, or leaving for Leftovers. But the sheer glee in the CC’s eyes when he saw the headline told me it had to be main meal material. Actually, the reasoning behind the design is a good idea.

And for the best of the rest, go to tag ‘leftovers’.

Also, for more on both sides of the whole Google Print/online book debacle, keep an eye on tag ‘onlinebooks’, which is the tag under which I will be stashing stuff relating to that topic.

beta means never having to say you’re sorry

Cas is currently

As mentioned in my previous post, the Sunday Roast is getting a new format.

Each Sunday, I will post a link to the appropriate page. You can then browse through the links at your hearts content. You can also subscribe to the sundayroast RSS feed (linked to in the sidebar), which will let you have each new item as I add it.

I am investigating methods of getting just that weeks items to show, but for now, each week keep going till you see something familiar. I will indicate roughly how many I’ve added that week so you can adjust the ‘view items’ appropriately. I might end up re-tagging old sundayroast items with a new tag ‘leftovers’ at the end of the week as a pointer, but who knows. Also, each ‘Sunday Roast’ post will have just that starting the title, so when you scroll through archives (who knows, the urge might take you) you can find them easily.

This week there are 45 items. Isn’t social computing fun?

Feedback please!

i can’t understand it. i can’t even understand the people who can understand it

Cas is currently

Hola! Buen dia.

I know things have been quiet on the blog-front lately. Sorry. This isn’t going to be changing any time soon either, I don’t think. The will to blog has just temporarily left me. But I couldn’t leave you all with nothing to read, so here’s the traditional. Happy Sunday morning to you all.

Waffle Making Robot. Remember that story the other week about how we need more useful robots here in the EU? Is this the kind of thing they were talking about?

READYWHENUR. A remote controlled kettle?! I am at a loss for words.

Oddballz phone charms. Inordinately cute and I want one out of all proportion to their usefulness. I am such a girl sometimes.

Oldest noodle. I am an archaeologist after all!

Armoured Buddhist Monks. If that doesn’t get you wanting to read the story, nothing I write here will do the trick either.

Dawn Of The Dead take 2. LIttle knitted zombies and victims… Funny.

Blind group told to leave plane. Definitely NOT a funny story.

Digtial filmmaking and the paradox of choice. The truth about the film industry from the man who, among other films, wrote the screenplay for Corpse Bride, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and Big Fish.

Catholic journal condemns boxing. It’s not often I agree with the Catholic church, but with this one they are right on the money as far as I am concerned. The CC, on the other hand, loves boxing, and thinks I am barking mad for finding it a bloody, brutal, and incomprehensible past time that shouldn’t be dignified with the name ‘sport’.

Halloween Monster Wreath. Now this I have to make!

Art Flip Clock. If I do have to wake up in the morning, my prefered method is still to make sure there is someone else waking me up armed with a freshly made cup of tea, but this is one alarm clock I might not mind waking up to if I had to.

laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired

Cas is currently

Got a date for the broadband installation – 14th of October. Quite what can take them two and a half weeks I am not sure, but that is how long it takes, so that is how long I am going to have to wait.

Thanks to the glory of wifi and RSS though, I can bring you (almost) normal service. The following are the articles/headlines that caught my eye in Vienna this week enough to mark them. I can’t vouch for the content of some of them (mainly the news articles, and a few evil blogs that limit their feeds) but *shrug* have fun either way. One or two of these I have linked to mainly so I have a quick way of getting the links when I am in the lab on Monday, but there are a few goodies buried in there as well. Have I ever let you down before? (Don’t answer that.)

As always, a * by the link means it requires some form of free login to view it.

Internet users say debate over control misses point (IHT).

Ross Mayfield’s links for 01-10-2005. Wikipedia eats Google. Posted this one mainly for me and last minute research, but also as another warning to y’all that just because it’s the first hit in Google, doesn’t mean it is the right hit.

Two NYT (anti)evolutionist stories.
* For the Anti-Evolutionists, Hope in High Places.
* In Pennsylvania, It Was Religion vs. Science, Pastor vs. Ph.D., Evolution vs…

– I so want this to be me!

Link to Serenity Personality Test via JB.

Communication aid for the paralysed.

Ramblers attack pylon extension. I am not going to rant till I have read the full story, but grr. Bloody ramblers.

Griffin Smartdeck – sounds all full of geeky wonderfullness.

Call for Finns to demonstrate against silly copyright act. Not had a chance to check the veracity of this, but hey, who cares?

The New Cliche: “It’s the Wikipedia of…” As Ross says, you know something has arrived when it’s used to describe a phenomenon.

Broadband By Plug. If it’s true, how very very shiny!

Your blog: search engine rankings, anonymous blogging.

Silence is [not always] golden – ah, those lovely girls at Girlspoke.

WFME: Imaginary Friends – just so I can remember this for a post I am in the middle of writing…

Palace date for US breakfast show – I know there is more to this story than the summary is giving me, but… you what now?

Cartoon Secrets. Intrigued. Want to be able to click the links in the article. Can’t. Sad now.

Congress Abandons WikiConstitution – ooh, it is always nice when you hear about new(ish) projects in time to fit them into your conclusion…

Blair Powerless Over Dentists. I don’t care what the article is about. The headline is enough for me.

Update on the ‘Bond Race’. Goran (ER) Visnijc as Bond? I am having problems with that. Daniel Craig on the other hand…

When Media Becomes Culture: rethinking copyright issues.

Sub-$100 laptop design unveiled. The social implications of this are, if not necessarily ‘huge’, fairly large. That’s if, you know, everyone puts ego and stuff to one side for once.

Copyright Law Book licensed under CC. Go Creative Commons.

* Michael Crichton becomes State Witness on global warming. Now I’ve not read the text of the article yet, but again, you what now?

Web 2.0 Elevator Pitch. Some of the latest answers to the seemingly unanswerable question of ‘what is Web 2.0 when it’s at home anyway?’

Got Browser Woes? Think Again.

Plans for a Euro-Russian space craft.

Just when I was feeling insecure, I still feel insecure – I feel all guilty now. I am a lurker, not a commenter. It’s taken many hours of therapy, but I am coming to terms with this. Still, at the same time I don’t want to comment on other peoples blogs etc, I want them to comment on mine. Catch 22, but a bit less serious.

Starting to think I should get me some of this Skype action.

Etch a design onto your iPod or Powerbook. These look monumentally funky but I think I would just be too scared. I haven’t even had the guts to stick a single sticker on my shiny Powerbook. The back of the iPod is all scratched and dented now (all honorable scars) yet… I am still scared to stick something on it, let alone something as permanent as etching. I think this horror goes back to the day when my brother stuck some stickers he got from a cereal packet all over my bike. I never did get those damn things off the poor thing.

Semantic Headers. I am intrigued. I will be checking this out when I get into the lab on Monday.

Ross Mayfield’s links for 23-09-2005. Some interesting wiki things for me to, again, look into on Monday.

Blogging as therapy. Half holds up hand. Ok, so maybe sometimes it is for me. Sometimes. My preferred form of therapy (if you can have a preferred form of therapy) is writing stories. Just… I’ve not had a good idea in two years now 🙁

Ross Mayfield’s links for 09-09-2005. Again, one or two links that interest the researcher in me.

blogher: Do You Attend Carnivals? The idea intrigues me.

Frog Design Mind. If this is the link I think it is, very pretty.

Improving link display for print. Also known as CSS is your friend.

Ben Hammersley: Neologism. This must have made sense when I read it because I bookmarked it. *shrug*

John August: Dear Governor Schwarzenegger…

Wee Wonderfuls: Plain Spoken – check! Wish I could remember what this was!

Beyond Cyberpunk! The Web Version. So geeky. So cool. A piece of hypertext history.

Jim Kelly – Free Reads. More eBook goodness.

* Build your own lego. You are never too old for lego.

British Library: Turning Pages Project. Great idea. Sad that I can’t look at it at all because 1) I am currently on dial up and 2) I don’t have Flash in the lab.

Scanned in coconut-flake book. No idea, but the headline sounds cool!

the president has no intention of starting a world wide bra war

Cas is currently

First things first, a new story for you all to read, linkage to which can be found over at: A Sip of Wine, A Sip of Water.
And if anyone can tell me what song that title is from, well, props to you!

On with the semi-traditional Sunday afternoon round-up. Because yes, it is 1pm, I am still in my pajamas, and am determined to get nothing constructive done today.

As always with everything I link to, please remember my tone of loving disrespect, and that I find life in general to be inherently hysterical. Any offense is yours to take as you please, just don’t carp on at me about it. So there

Lawn Couch – groovy, and I want one, but this is hardly practical. Think of the grass-stains! And you always get a damp arse when you sit on the grass (ooh, that rhymed!), even when it hasn’t rained for months. Still, shiny.

Squirrel helps with mobile calls – nope. No idea. Seemed amusing to me.

Of Faith and Religion – sometimes, you come across a random post that reminds you why you read blogs in the first place. Not sure I’m totally ok with everything said in the post, or on Tish’s site in general, but something in this one spoke to me.

Hamster-powered mobile charger – the boy deserves mad props for his idea. Not a fan of the subjugation of helpless pets in this manner, but when a dude from Somerset gets mentioned a US blog (not linked to here), I say ‘yay for him’.

Pupils learn through Myst game

* Teaching of creationism is endorsed in survey – I am at a loss for words. Just linking to this as it’s become a bit of a pet “you what now?!” topic for me.

Test drive a Mac Mini – do. Mac Mini’s are great.

Knitted Mittens – I can smell your brains!!!!!! Mwhahahahaha…

Laptop sleeve – I already have a sleeve, better than this one because it zips all the way round, but mine is boring grey wetsuit material. Practical but, as already mentioned, rather dull. These on the other hand, are really rather snazzy, if over priced. Ah well, I guess I could always just snazz up my own. My head-line does say I am all creative. Apparently.

Foofpod – already got something similar to this as well, that Little YoYo crocheted for me back last Christmas, but… *makes small noise of irrational desire*

RawSugar – for all you social-tech-geeks-people out there. Shiny idea.

* Real-time backup – oooh, snoopalicious. Just what you want your boss to be able to do, record every single keystroke you ever make. Then again, I can see the good in this little app. Just call me paranoid.

* Chimp/Y-chromosome evolution – and in the same week as all the evolution/ID broohaahaa as well… Is it me, or is that one butt-ugly chimp?

Your Tea Type – mad props to Moose for this one. I drink Assam, and occasionally Oolong. Freakish.

$1,000,000 to prove that jesus isn’t the son of the flying spaghetti monster – remember back at the start of the post when I said ‘loving disrespect’? Yep.

* Sound of Thunder review – *shudder* and I loved the short story!

US places curbs on Chinese bras – not really funny, but amusing to me due to something in the last season of West Wing…

Wiki Wednesdays – yes, I am a total geek, but this seems fun to me. *hangs head in shame*

Flickr/Yahoo ids – I know I am irrationally attached to some of my sn’s, but I don’t like Yahoo! Never have, and never will! There’s a reason I never use my yahoo! mail, and only use my geocities site under duress. Can’t really explain that reasoning right now, but… *sulks*

And that’s me done for another week. Off to reclaim my washing from the laundry now. I do lead an exciting life. Remind me to talk to you all about cereal and water sometime…

politicians should read science fiction, not westerns and detective stories.

First off, a brief apology for the lack of a drunken-post last night. I came home and just… didn’t want to post. Sleep seemed good to me at the time. Also, nothing particularly blog-worthy occurred.

Though the Cute Canadian is not to be referred to as the Cute Canadian for the next week. Not only did he not get Jeff the beef jerky and day-old taco he had promised, he failed to get me some yoghurt covered preztels. The feloniously acquired penguin signage was just a pipe-dream, I accept that, but yoghurt covered preztels?! I haven’t had any in a year now and am suffering serious withdrawals. You just get funny looks when you try to find them in this benighted country. And now the Brother is no longer NY-based, I have no reliable supply lines. Here’s a lesson to you girls out there – never trust a man. Especially cute ones. Or Canadian ones. If they’re both, you don’t stand a chance. Grr.

So, till next Sunday, he’s to be known as the Decidedly-Not-Cute-Canadian-Who-I-No-Longer-Have-A-Thing-For. As that is a bit of fingerful to type, that will be shortened to the DNCC-WINLHATF. Grrr.

Ack. The sites filed in my ‘random’ folder seem to have been breeding. Kinda like Tribbles. You have one, then two, then before you know all the storage bins are filled and you’re looking at the sharp end of a bill to restock an entire colony’s food supplies.

A quick digest*1* brief-ish roundup of the best of the rest. (Oh, and warning, I’ve stopped using the target=blank attribute. Got an ear bashing from a someone in the lab about the need for elegancy in code etc. Bah! All you happy-browser people [Firefox, Safari etc] just ctrl-click or cmd-click depending on OS and you’ll get a new tab with the link in. IE people ditto will automatically open it in a new window.)

CNet’s Top 10 Web Fads. Worth it just to remember the Hampsterdance.

Something Silver. There is some truly shiny jewelry on this site. Even some gorgeous amber and silver combos. Tip – way to my heart? Silver and amber combos.

Paper Princess. Stationary and other paper-based crafty goodness.

The NYPL Picture Collection Online. A great image resource. Isn’t internet research just the best?

Crystal Chess Set. SHINY! If these came on a glass board I would be hard pressed not to be buying this right now.

Vertical Chess Board. And this I want. Might have to see if the Crazy Canalman is feeling creative enough to make similar for my birthday. Trying to work through the implementation in my head and I think it’s possible. Maybe even have a wall mounted version in the house so you can have an ongoing game of chess without the worry of the cat knocking the pieces off. Also, I do have a number of sets I can’t display because they just take up so much surface space. I am all excited about working out the mechanics of the game – if you’ve ever tried to play chess on a computer in the schematic layout, you’ll know what I mean when I say how unusual layouts really screw you over till you’re used to them.

Many-To-Many: the biases of links. Just occasionally I am going to be throwing some heavier stuff at you, and this is one of them. I am doing research in the field, after all! That first paragraph just sums it up perfectly.

Artist to recreate Afghan Buddhas. I know the artist says he’s not doing it for religious or archaeological reasons, but as a representative of both groups, I say bravo! The buzz on the WAC lists is positive as well, which (considering that archaeologists rarely, if ever, agree on anything) is a sure sign its a good idea.

New lemurs found in Madagascar. So cute and fluffy! And so like the little baby lemur in the Madagascar cartoon! (Oh, and go the psychotic penguins!)

Many-To-Many: Valuing Social Gestures. More semi-serious research stuff. All about how you can rate blogs other than on link-counts a la Technorati etc.

Bush weighs into evolution debate. I’ve said it before, and no doubt I will say it again, but how, by all that anyone holds holy, did this man get voted in a second time!?

Private company plans $100 million tour around the Moon (NYT). Right, where can I get my mits on that amount of cash? It’s a bit more than I could find down the back of the sofa…

Read Print. More online books. Not a fan of the format, but love the idea.

Banana Box. Why?

Bush 2K. Not content with destroying world peace, the man now has to start on my computer?! Grrrr…

Bad news for my bank balance. Three of my all-time top bands have released new material. And by all-time-top I mean bands whose new albums I will buy without even listening to them first. Warning – bands seem incapable of realizing that flash heavy and flash-only sites are a pain in the unmentionables. Even on a T1 line these took a while to open, so if you’re on dialup, I’d think twice.
Three Doors Down
Matchbox Twenty (check out the ‘Unwell’ video. Genius song, genius video

It Plays Doom.Com. For no other reason than I have fond memories of the game. And the screaming nightmares I got when I tried to play it again a couple of years ago. For some reason, poking the eyes out of pink demons with your fingers is cool/funny/non-gross when you’re like 12. When you’re in the mid-twenties, night-terrors galore. Looking forward to the movie as well.

Experts decipher Inca strings. Interesting, if only because I recently read a sci-fi book where one of the main forms of recording was in the form of knotted strings. Synchronisity.

The Killer Bean. Thanks to Spooky McDougal for this one. The guy who did a lot of the Matrix animation has fun with beans…

Konfabulator. Yet one more way for me to avoid doing work. The IMDB widget is really rather handy though. Blame JB for this one. I had managed to forget all about it, till he reminded me last week. Grrr.

Computer Applications in Archaeology 2006. One of the better conferences around, and in Fargo… Oh, I so want to go!

Big Brother Final. Thank god it is finally over, if only for another year. Perhaps now C4 will get back to sensible programming, like Lost. I will say this for modern media – I was able to keep up with conversations in the lab about BB, even though I haven’t caught an episode since the first series, because every move was reported so religiously in the media.

*edit* forgot one. Thanks to Moose for this one (read to the end of the article to find out why it had both of us giggling like little school girls). Knowing A Man’s Mind

*1*Who am I trying to kid? I’ve never been concise in my life!Back