Turns out Mr Tall, Dark and Great Smile is rather good artist and even has a website.
Go, have a look, buy a piece of art (I’ve got my eye on that eagle piece), and tell him Cas sent you. He most likely won’t have an clue who the hell you mean, but it will amuse me 😀
Perhaps not entirely my kettle of fish but executed well enough. I love how his blog part moves forward in five year or so increments. That’s a great idea for those suffering from blogger’s block.
At least we get to see his picture (if that his him there drawing in B&W). Looks like a decent bloke 😉
I just did a recheck, and it’s not a “blog”, but a bI-og – the font is just not really distinguishable. I do love how we (because I did it too) automatically assume it’s a blog.
That is indeed Mr TDGS himself.
Oh, and don’t look at the code behind the site. It’s Dreamweaver’s finest. So pretty with the nested tables… Still, you can’t have everything: great smile, artist, and web-designer all in one? You’d be scrapping me off the floor where I’d swooned into a big gooey heap.