Merry Christmas

I’ll wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy New Year now, because I am returning to the Land that Broadband Forgot (Somerset), and so will be stuck with an expensive and unreliable dial-up connection till I return in about a week.

Also, you know, I should spend some time with the family. I mean, I am going back to see them after all 😉

Eat lots, watch lots of bad movies, drink too much (if you are so inclined), and generally be merry.



yoghurt covered pretzels The Cute Canadian has his moments, the latest being when he braved blizzard conditions to tromp into Toronto to get me some yoghurt covered pretzels, and mailed them to me to arrive in time for Christmas.

Don’t ask me to explain yoghurt covered pretzels to you. I tried on as a dare on time when I was visiting Brother Dearest in NY, and I got hooked. I think it’s one of those Marmite things – you either love them, or you hate them. They are also impossible to find in this country. Not “get them in a specialist store in London” impossible. “Google can’t find what you are looking for” impossible.

Always one to try and find the silver lining in every situation, I decided that the CC having to return to his native land for a short while was an excellent opportunity to feed my craving for salty, yoghurt-covered goodness. (OY! No, not like that you dirty minded so and so’s!)

A huge box of them arrived this morning, and I am having to restrain myself from gobbling the entire lot in one go. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…

*does the Homer-drool*

(And yes, odd choice of Technorati tags, and very ugly formatting, but I want to check two things before I add them to the template proper. (1) how well this new Perfomancing extension works, and (2) if Technorati likes my new blog anymore than the old, and is indexing my tags yet.)

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Anyone got any crayons so I can colour in my Ph.D?

So maybe not a Ph.D (that comes next – maybe), but still an MSc.

Yup. Handed it in this morning.

Wish I could feel more excitement, but I’m just too exhausted.

Anyway, that’s me done. Excuse me if I don’t blog for a day or so. I just want to sleep. I might blog, but I also might not. I’m not sure.

First things first though, I can now install OS X Tiger like I promised myself I would when I got done. Yay 🙂

My Cas, what shiny teeth you have…

Ok, I am an odd individual. I printed out the final (bar typos and adding figures) version of the thesis last night, and what’s making my day?

Discovering that Macleans White’n’Shine toothpaste now comes in a clear tube.

Actually, if you think about it, that’s not such a bad idea. Never again will I wonder if there’s enough toothpaste left in the tube for one last squeeze (at least until I get another brand at any rate).

It’s been rather a disjointed couple of days regarding toilettries. Awful Radox shower-gel. Wonderful Macleans toothpaste. What does the rest of the week have in store I wonder?

And before you ask, no, I am not being paid by the manufacturers of my toothpaste to big it up on the World Wide Web. You’d think they’d have the sense to pick on a blogger with a readership of more than about five (ten maybe in a good week).

Never explain — your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway

apricot image If someone were to ask me today for one piece of advice, I would gift them with the following piece of knowledge:

Always check the scent of your shower-gel before you purchase it.

I forgot to do that last time I went shopping and this morning I found myself emerging from the shower emanating a subtle fragrance of apricots.

I loathe the smell of apricots.

Normally, having a shower is one of the highlights of my day – at least, it gets my day off to a good start. Today though it was ruined by the sickly sweet aroma of apricots.


So, just a tip – check before you buy!