Sunday Soup: The Evil League of Evil

A certain sense of ennui is filling my bones this Sunday evening. I have just dispatched Brother Dearest and Kitten back to London after their lovely, if brief, visit, and am curled under a blanket in my room, staring out at the sleet and dark sky. It’s not a roast day somehow. It is a curl up with a mug of soup, a good book, and some movie trailers kind of a day.

2012 – colour me intrigued

The Wrestler

The Matrix Runs on Windows (thanks to Moose for this link!)

Work tomorrow. Yippee!

Sunday Roast: I am just a bit undone

Oof. This hasn’t exactly been the best week ever in my life. Can I just say, IBS sucks? Those of you without it, thank your lucky stars! When an evening ends up with you being carted to the walk-in centre at nearly midnight by your poor landlord, you know things are pretty dire. Which leads me to a related rant about the idiocy of putting lactose in pills for IBS, when dairy is a very common trigger!

Stupid bloody drugs companies and stupid bloody pharmacist not checking before she gave me the prescription. I managed to find an alternative drug, but it is only designed for short-term intervention, not longer term like the one my GP proscribed. Once again, my body is its own worst enemy, and I shall be having to investigate alternative therapies. At least recent studies show peppermint oil is still effective. And to be fair, I would rather natural remedies over constant pill-popping, if I have a choice in the matter.

Thanks to Moose for this link (it happened during my gastro-intestinal hijinks, so I missed it): a church in Russia is stolen. How did they NOT notice it was getting smaller, day by day?!

Jane Eyre rates as one of my all-time favourite books and graphic novels are a format which intrigues me, so Jane Eyre, the graphic novel sounds absolutely lushious. Christmas is just round the corner, *hint hint* (the proper text version, not the simplified)

You’ve all seen Wall-E, right? Well, if you haven’t, the film is very good and the robot is just the avatar of adorability. But, is it possible, that Burn-E is cuter? He response at the end, and the other robot’s response to him… Awesome!

Why are authors so obsessed with their cats? [And yes, the blocked writer in me also wants a cat. Good to know in some things I am conventional]

Can’t find earrings you like? Make your own

I am having a graphic novel/geek binge this week, clearly. Well, these things happen. Yummy previews of new Coraline film

We’ve all read those books where, whatever happens, you KNOW the hero isn’t going to die. One recent book both Moose and I read (Six Sacred Stones) “killed” the main character in the middle of the book, gave him a miraculous escape, then cliff-hangered on another apparent “death”. Come on, we both shrieked independently as we reached the gripping climax. There’s no way the author would kill him off – he clearly lacks the balls and skill to continue the story without this pivot. So it pleases me to find authors willing to kill main characters off. (I am also reminded of the very start of Buffy the Vampire Slayer [tv], where one of the main circle of friends gets vamped in the first episode. Jos Whedon wanted to send the message that anything could happen in this show)

A beautiful short story to bring a lump to your throat: Little Gods

I want a FreakAngels tank. I don’t want to pay $30 in postage. *grumble grumble* (I also want the throw, but that I can rationalise less easily)

One for my brother – a movie of World War Z, the book which had the pair of us discussing the best weapons with which to survive a zombie apocalypse (and whether it is better to just give in to the inevitable or go down fighting)

Told you I was in a geek-phase: yummy looking Ignition City, the latest offering from Warren Ellis, is also wetting my tastebuds

Seven Pounds – it is not often I can watch a movie trailer these days and DON’T get the entire plot. But this one has hooked me

Cadillac Records – I’m a sucker for a movie with songs, I’ll admit it

And with this small, but perfectly formed Roast, I am going to down tools and head out into Oxford to see what lovely surprises Sainsburys has to offer. Joy!

Sunday Roast: When was the last time you went Wahoo!

Seriously? Think back. When was the last time something made you go “Wahoo!” involuntarily? If it has been a long time, then you need to do something about it, because everyone needs a Wahoo! moment.

For the curious, I have had not one, but two, Wahoo! moments in the last week. It has been a good week 🙂

I don’t actually own any Threadless t-shirts, because the cut is all wrong (I detest things tight to the neck), but this design is just awesome!

I want this chair. The chances of me ever getting this chair? Slim to none, but I still want it. Or one of them Aeron thingies. Or actually, I’d just settle for a properly adjustable one that doesn’t make me feel like a tactical device has exploded in my lower back after I sit in it for more than half an hour 🙁

I remember Windows 3.x with great fondness. It was my first ever OS. To be sure I had played on the few earlier machines my brother and father had, but it was 3.x which was installed on the first PC that was mine (one of my brothers cast-offs). So it saddens me to hear Microsoft are finally stopped licences. Also though, I am amazed it’s kept going so long!

There is a new study under way to see how yoga helps with bad backs. Anecdotally, I would agree – my back has always been better after periods of gentle, toning exercise, not just yoga. Which is why it is a bugger that the cheapest yoga sessions I can find in Oxford are £8 a time. Roll on the New Year and the gym opening up at work, that’s all I can say!

And this one from Moose. As she says, the My Name is Earl effect?

Roll on the movies…

Valkyrie – I am really on the fence about Tom Cruise. As a person, I think the man is a twit. As an actor, he does have moments. More to the point though, I think I want to see this film, because I am just intrigued as to how they go about simply telling the story.

Confessions of a shopaholic – yes, bubblegum fluff, but the trailer made me laugh out loud a few times, and that is always my benchmark to putting it in the roast. Definitely a DVD though!

Angels & Demons – I DO NOT WANT TO SEE THIS FILM. I just had to say that off the plate. Also, I have never seen The Da Vinci Code and have very little desire to see that either. What amuses me about this though is that A&D is meant to be the PREQUEL to TDVC, but it’s being packaged as a sequel. Someone watch the film and tell me how it goes please?

So I shouldn’t find Leo DiCaprio attractive, I really shouldn’t. He isn’t my type, all that pretty-boy-ness. But… *whimper* I am finding him attractive, and a damn good actor!
Revolutionary Road – if I can get memories to Titanic out of my head, Winslet and DiCaprio make a brilliant pairing.
Body of Lies – bad facial hair not withstanding, some tasty action. Plus an aging Russell Crowe. Could be worse…

Nobel Son – just… so screwball it hurts!

And that really is it for this week. The time has come for me to emerge from my nest of blankets and face the cold, wet, windy day to buy some groceries. Bleck.

Sunday Roast: a thief in the night

I sit here on my bed, hair still damp from my shower, listening to Disturbia on LastFM, and as I look out across the back gardens of central Oxford to the grey skies above, I wonder how to introduce the roast and the lovely month of November.

Then I realise I have already done it.

Welcome to the eleventh month of 2008 people. Hasn’t this year flown by so quickly, and yet seen so many changes? I wonder what the last sixty-one days have in store to enthrall us all? Only one way to find out, I guess, and that is to live it. To the MAX! as the advert would have it.

The last few days have seen my head go a little bit screwy. One minute, everything is glorious and the next… ooops! I think it hit me that *crap!* I am in the process of making a new life in a new city and that my safety net is over an hour away by train. It also hit me that I’ve got the most ink of anyone in my current acquaintance by far – not that this is the be-all and end-all, but it comes to something when I am the most alt in a crowd, not the least! Worry not, I shall do my best to fly the flag and make it a point to scurry back to Soton as frequently as possible for regular doses of the odder side of life 😉

I think the time has come for me open the lid on the veritable Pandora’s box, which is our Internet…

I have always had a thing for short stories – I love how they just present snippets and leave you to make up your own mind. They are also really hard to do well! So I like it when others come round to my point of view

Graphic novels aren’t just about superheroes. If you haven’t read Maus yet, I strongly recommend you do!

I love it when I discover new blogs: Margaret and Helen – two American ladies who have been friends for 60 years, with great insights into modern life (their take on the current election is refreshing and honest)

And that is, rather surprisingly, it for the blog side. Now for the bit I know you all come for really, the movies:

My Name is Bruce – I am enjoying the absurder side of life at the moment. This film just looks delicious

Defiance – Daniel Craig being all heroic… How is that NOT going to be a good film?

Were the World Mine – see my afore mentioned comment regarding the absurd. Plus, great social commentary

The Reader – and to end with a trailer for a film that is genuinely intriguing me. I love that I can’t get the whole film from this one trail. I am hooked and I will be getting it on DVD (because the chances of it making my local Odeon are slim-to-none, let’s face it!)

And c’est tout with the links. My hair is now dry, thanks in most part to it being only a few inches long, and the weather is not actually raining on me, so I think I shall go to the covered market and see what veg I can pick up to keep me fed through the week.


Sunday Roast: Save me from a villanous imagination

I just braved a look into my Sunday Roast bookmark folders and nearly had a heart attack; because I haven’t roasted for a few weeks they have become somewhat swollen. Bursting at the seams might actually be a more accurate description! Which leaves me in something of a dilemma, because if I post all of the links I have been saving 1) I am going to be SO out of date and 2) you are just going to get swamped.

So it is time to be ruthless… Turns out, ruthless means no news articles. Cool. Turns out it also means no blogs/sites. Not so cool. However, I do have lots of great pictures and movies for you.

Whilst you are enjoying them, I am going to go and wash my brain out a few times, and tell it sternly to behave itself. There really are certain people you shouldn’t be crushing on. I need to find an EDLO in Oxford, and right quick!

Some awesome graffiti in Singapore

One of these days I am going to get to see the aurora. Pretty please?

Sometimes, you just have to check a picture hasn’t been photoshopped

Penguin!!! (yes, I am still obsessed)


Hank & Mike – just… bizarre

Choose Connor

Changeling – chilling and awesome

The Spirit – I’ll admit I wasn’t sold on this before, but it is starting to grow on me a little bit

Good Dick

Let the Right One In – like Twighlight, but darker, goryer, and with subtitles


JCVD – just… I want to see this film!

Gran Torino

Last Chance Harvey

Transporter 3 – and I know there will be no plot and very little dialogue, but I like Jason Statham, and things blowing up, and fast cars. My mum goes to see Mamma Mia as a feel-good film. I go to see Death Race, or Transporter…

Sunday Soup

The very important question you need to be asking yourselves right this second is:
Is there a roast in the glorious Cas, under the haze of cold/flu and Lemsip? Because I am not sure there is you know. Rarely have I felt less glorious, for I am sick again. I don’t think I managed to fully get last weeks lurgy out of my system – rather, it just lay low for a few days then sensed weakness and returned full force.


What other news have I got to entertain you, this cold and somewhat dreary Sunday afternoon?

Well I think I might have made a mistake when I told the Brainy Snail that one of the things I wanted out of Oxford was a man (or at least lots of potentials to have fun dating). See, it’s been a year or two since I was in the same city as the Brainy Snail: I’d forgotten how gods damned determined she can be when given a mission. If you never hear from me again it is because I have gone into hiding to escape all the men she is lining up to throw at my head! Yes, I talk the talk, but now we’ve got to see if I can walk the walk, or just retire and jibber in fear till I become the crazy-dateless-wonder-cat-lady.

I should be rejoicing, surely, that there is someone in my life who is so committed to my well-being. I am, secretly, on the inside and I am sure I will prove to be a challenge she is more than capable of dealing with. If this time next year I am still single, it will not be for want of trying on either of our parts.

But it is just, right now I feel about as appealing as… Nope. There’s nothing there. I have got through half a box of tissues in the five hours I have been awake so far today and there is no image I can conjure with the magic of my command over the English language that will do justice to the mankiness that is me. I look in the mirror and am constantly surprised it doesn’t jump off the wall and run away to cower behind the wardrobe in fear. It is very hard to summon enthusiasm for lunches where the friend-of-friend is to be persuaded to bring along his friend, when the thing I am most looking forward to is another in an endless procession of mugs of tea…

Hmmm, wonder if I can persuade my lovely landlord to make me a cuppa… (He needs a blog name I have just noticed)…

Back on rambling track.

Yup, that has decided me. I am not roasting today. Roasting requires energy and wit and enthusiasm, three things that deserted me like so many rats when the Titanic of my immune system started taking on water. Instead I am going to succumb to the lure of the kettle, then take myself back to bed and encourage you all to take a step outside your RSS readers for once and admire the glory that is the new Bright Meadow. It won’t always be this pink, but it will always be this fantabulous, thanks to Tam.

Sunday Roast: make this cake and leave me alone

Originally posted by dive-angel on flickr
Originally posted by dive-angel on Flickr

I have spent this weekend fighting off the dreaded lurgy, which is not surprising considering I have moved to a new city full of new germs and students, and that 90% of the people at work are going down with suspiciously flu-like symptoms.

My poor, battered immune system is doing its best, bolstered by thumping doses of echinacea and endless cups of tea, and so far I have escaped the worst. But this weekend I have slept LOTS and spent the rest of the time sniffing in a haze, feeling like I am hungover without the joy of a great night out the evening before!

Which is why I am not roasting this week either – my bed and more tea is beckoning. So I shall leave you with this awesome recipe I found on Flickr:

3 minute chocolate mug cake

  • 1 mug
  • 4 tablespoons flour (that’s plain flour, not self-rising)
  • 4 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 tablespoons baking cocoa
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tablespoons milk
  • 3 tablespoons oil
  • optional: 3 tablespoons chocolate chips mini chips would be the best
  • optional: 2 tablespoons walnuts (cut into small pieces)
  • small splash of vanilla


  1. Add dry ingredients to mug, and mix well
  2. Add the egg and mix thoroughly
  3. Pour in the milk and oil and mix well
  4. Add the chocolate chips (if using) and vanilla, and mix again
  5. Put your mug in the microwave and cook for 3 minutes at 1000 watts. The cake will rise over the top of the mug, but don’t be alarmed!
  6. Allow to cool a little, and tip out onto a plate if desired
  7. serve it with custard or vanilla ice cream – yummy 🙂

Just the thing for when you’re feeling not on top of the world.